My favorite band ever. My parents wouldn’t let me buy the tape because of the band’s name (and yes, I’m that old…when there were cassette tapes…no MP3s…no streaming). Since I couldn’t buy it, I went across the street and listened to it at my best friend Rob’s house. I was such a rebel. Oh, and yes we listened to Poison too, I still love me some Poison. Hi Mom…you’re the best. When I bought the CD after “growing up” and was able to listen to whatever I wanted, and I literally played it so many times it stopped working. Every night, after getting off work, I would drive home with that CD in. Oh, and I had a Ford Probe as my second car. Unfortunate name for a car, but I upgraded the speakers, put in a killer amp, and oh it was just amazing. I sometimes miss that car.
Category: Music
A Save For The Cameras: Paper Plate Bean Shakers
I have two friends named JJ. The JJ in Phoenix has a band called A Save for the Cameras, and he sent over some of his songs tonight. My favorite is “Paper Plate Bean Shakers”, which I’ve embedded above. I asked him where he got the band name A Save for the Cameras, and he said:
“Me and the other guitar player used to always play FIFA together on PlayStation, and when a guy kicks a ridiculous shot and the keeper blocks it, the announcer says, ‘That was a save for the cameras.'”
Help JJ spread the word of his band, and I’m sure he would appreciate you letting him know what you think.
Love Song
Went to dinner last night where the place was bought out for us and they had this guy singing. It was Andrea’s 25th wedding anniversary with her husband so he sang them a song he wrote for his wife. Great song…