Tyler and Santa: Round 2

Before...ah so cute and harmless looking...
Tyler and Santa Round 2
Ah yeah...there it is...

Tyler’s mom took him to see Santa a few days ago.  The poor kid already went through it once with Christina and I two weeks ago.  He is going to have Santa phobia until he is 18 you watch!  Cute pictures…I just don’t think Santa’s get paid what they deserve.  Can you imagine all of the crying kids kicking and screaming while sitting on your lap for 8 hours a day?

Santa 2009

We went to see Santa today at the mall but their server went down but I luckily had my camera with me (never leave home without it).  It actually saved me $30 bucks and Christina got some good shots nonetheless.  Tyler wasn’t a big fan of Santa but did tell him “bah bye”.

Tyler at Super Franks

We took Tyler to Super Franks after he woke up from his nap yesterday.  Super Franks is a huge play place for kids and it took him a little while to warm up but once he did Tyler loved it.  We took him miniature golfing which was complete cauas with all of the kids running around but it was still fun.  The entire course is done in the dark so everything glows.  They let the kids (and ah hew…adults) put this florescent paint on their faces so it glows in the dark.