Portland Trip 2010 Days 1 and 2

Tyler and I made it to Portland for another Person Family Christmas.  Our flight was delayed a little but Tyler was really excited to fly in an airplane again and was in an especially good mood.  Yesterday we went to Best Buy to get a new phone as a belated birthday gift (really nice huh).  I have been researching new phones for the past few months and as of yesterday I had it narrowed down to the Droid X and the Nexus S.  I first decided on the Nexus S but upon going to the local Best Buy here in Oregon, they had already sold out.  We called around to other Best Buy stores in the area and they either didn’t let you buy the phone without the contract (for $599) or they wouldn’t answer their phone.  The big disadvantage with the Nexus S is it only works well on T-Mobile and I wanted to move to Verizon.

We had some lunch and I decided to go with my second favorite phone, the Droid X.  AT&T, I won’t miss you and I’ve heard fantastic things about Verizon so we’ll see how things go.  I’ll have a full review of the Droid X as I have more time to play with it but so far I’m absolutely loving it.

This morning we went to Breakfast at Gravy a really funky and awesome breakfast spot in Portland.  I had a Greco Omelet and it was really good but my only feedback to them would be there were too many sun-dried tomatoes which overpowered the dish.  It was also a little salty but man did it photograph well.  Speaking of photographs, check out the quality of the pictures the Droid X takes!  I love the phone, love it.

Why Aren’t More Americans Happy?

Has anyone else noticed that more and more Americans are unhappy?  According to WolframAlpha, 1 in 164, or just over 2.5 million Americans are diagnosed with depression every year.   Also, according to the same source, the US average age for depression is 44 for males and 47 for females.  There doesn’t seem to be a correlation of age, weight, and height to depression either.

I watch a lot of travel and food shows, so when I discovered Anthony Bourdain’s show No Reservations, I was instantly hooked.  I saw him at a Phoenix airport a few years ago, and he gave me a cool “yeah, I know you know me” look.  In one particular episode, he travels to an extremely remote African Zarwulugbo Village that rarely gets visitors from the “outside world”.  The very first thing that struck me was how happy the African tribe was despite the material possessions we have learned to cherish here in the Western World.  They don’t have fancy houses, they live in huts with thatch roofs, they don’t have cars, or stoves, or any modern-day amenities.  What they do have is happiness.  All the kids and adults alike had huge grins, and maybe it was just for the cameras, but to me, they seemed genuinely happy.  When was the last time you heard about a villager that was depressed?  Granted, not too many of us have traveled to remote villages to see these things for ourselves, so many of us get our first glimpse of other nations through television.

If you stop and think about it, if you are over 30 years old, when have you been the happiest?  For many of us, it is when we had minimal material possessions and minimal responsibilities.  As material possessions grow, so do the responsibilities and some may argue that causes people to feel trapped, isolated, and maybe even depressed or sad.

What is it that makes people happy?  It doesn’t appear to have too much to do with race, although those with “mixed” race do have a higher percentage of depression in the US.

Wolfram Alpha also allows you to see how frequently various words are used in the US.  Sad is the 2,959th most common written and 1,5,96th word spoken in our language. Happy is the 896th most common written and 433rd most common word spoken.  We therefore tend to say happy things more often than sad.  At the same time, there are many more people who do not suffer from depression, so the word happy should be used more than sad.  Also, just because someone is depressed may not mean they use the word sad either, but it was just interesting to me that people tend to use happy more than sad  here in the US.

WebMD.com has a slideshow on depression, and why it occurs isn’t yet fully known.  According to the article, “a prominent theory is altered brain structure and chemical function. Chemicals called neurotransmitters become unbalanced. What pushes these chemicals off course? One possibility is the stress of a traumatic event, such as losing a loved one or a job. Other triggers could include certain medications, alcohol or substance abuse, hormonal changes, or even the season.”  I can understand or somewhat subscribe to this logic because arguably one thing the remote African villages don’t have is medications, alcohol (at least the type we have), or chemical influences in their food supply.

Source: http://curetogether.com/

CureTogether.com has a chart (above) that shows how effective and popular various depression treatments are.  Meditation, talk therapy, sleep, and exercise are the most popular and effective treatments.

One thing I’ve noticed is those who lose hope tend to lose themselves.  Why aren’t more Americans happy?  Does anyone have more stats or interesting studies to add to the conversation?  Talk back…

Alcatraz and My Birthday 2010

Mike and I went to the city yesterday for my birthday and we had lots of fun. When we got into the city via BART we encountered some unanticipated rain showers so we ducked into the Ferry Building for a bathroom break and some Blue Bottle Coffee. By the time we left the Ferry Building the rain had stopped and we made our way down to the pier where the Alcatraz tours depart. The boat ride over was mostly uneventful, it rained a little and was cold but the bay was calm. It was my third trip to Alcatraz but I really enjoyed seeing it again and it gave me another chance to get some more pictures which is always especially fun for me. We stayed on Alcatraz for a few hours and then headed to Scomas for some lunch.

We needed to be back for a party and to pick up Tyler later in the day so we headed out at 3pm. Mike had a great idea which was to take a petty cab to the BART station and it was a fun $15 ride. When I picked up Tyler from daycare he sung happy birthday to me and it was adorable. Come to think of it, lots of people sang to me and it is a strange tradition isn’t it? I still love it, especially when kids sing (my nephew Evan and sister Jennifer’s version was also quite lovely). Mike and I went to Christina’s parent’s house for dinner.  We played some cards and then before I knew it my birthday was over. Time flies when you are having fun.  Thanks to everyone for making me feel extra special yesterday.

Deacon Dave’s 2010

We made another trip to Deacon Dave’s house in Livermore, CA this year.  Each year the theme and exhibit changes.  If you are interested in visiting you can get more information via the website.  One tip we’ve found is to go the night Livermore has its annual parade.  That way everyone is at the parade and not at the house which is normally jam packed with visitors.