Times Square With Seth Godin

Times Square with Seth Godin

My notes from the video:

  • Don’t write books to make money
  • 170,000 books published every year and less than 1,000 make money
  • Books spread ideas with authority and they are souvenirs of ideas.  If you can open the door for somebody and help them think a different way, and cause a positive change in the world, that is a good day’s work.
  • Zappos.com is a service company that happens to sell shoes.
  • Zig Ziglar story – Graffiti and other problems in the school and a new principal came in and started a program where students were “caught” performing acts of kindness.  The students were sent home with letters which required a parent signature to make sure each student was recognized at school and home.  Within 3 months the culture and the majority of the problems that occurred previously went away.
  • Happiness’s best friend is kindness and passion’s best friend is generosity.  As a society if we want to be happy we are going to have to figure out how to be kind.

Ben’s Davis’s 120 Pound Journey

My 120 pound journey.

Ben Davis tells the moving story of how he became inspired and lost 120 pounds in one year. Via reddit

“In January 2009, I made the decision to get a grip, get out of my depression, and do life.  I started running and started a blog.  120 pounds lost, but much more gained. This is how far I’ve come.”

Jay’s Tiny House Tour

Jay's Tiny House Tour

Jay Shafer takes you inside his tiny 100 square foot tiny home.  I had a fort growing up that might have been bigger than this house!  Jay has written a book about tiny houses and you have to admit, there is something to be said about simplifying our lives and finances.  Check out his website >> http://www.tumbleweedhouses.com

Snake Robot Climbs A Tree

Snake Robot Climbs a Tree

From the Biorobotics Lab at Carnegie Mellon University, a snake robot (Snakebot) demonstrates how it can climb a tree and look around.  Please keep in mind that this robot climbed a specific tree with a specific trunk width about 1 meter off of the ground. The researchers working to design, build and program these robots still have much work to do to get these bots to climb taller trees of various sizes and to navigate over branches and wires.

Read This Everyday

This is your life.  Do what you love, and do it often.  If you don’t like something, change it.  If you don’t like your job, quit.  If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.  If you are looking for the love of you life, stop.  They will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.  Stop over analyzing, life is simple.  All emotions are beautiful.  When you eat, appreciate every last bite.  Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences.  Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them.  Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.  Some opportunities come once, seize them.  Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating.  Life is short.  Live your dream, and wear your passion.

Source: http://paloma81.blogspot.com/2010/09/this-weeks-quote.html