Creating A Loved Brand By Telling A Story: Tether

Creating a loved brand by telling a story: Tether

Stanley Hainsworth has been creative director at Nike, Lego, and Starbucks—all brands that have become iconic through good design. He just finished designing the new Gatorade bottle, too. Hainsworth clearly has a remarkable eye for style, but he insists that the key to creating a brand that attracts fans, that people love, is telling the company’s story.

Hainsworth says that companies like Apple have a persona. “You could describe what Apple is as a person, because of the personality they’ve created,” he explains. “So when we work with tech startups, the first thing we have to figure out is their story—what sets them apart in the marketplace.”

Now at the helm of Tether, his own design studio and retail space in Seattle, Hainsworth keeps looking for new challenges. “When I left Starbucks, people thought I’d want to work someplace really hip, like Diesel or Apple. I told them I wanted to work with Microsoft and Wal-Mart—two great American brands that have never told their story well. They both have incredible stories, if you think about the startups that they were at the time—it’s unbelievable. Bill Gates, what he went through, and his story: it’s never been told well. They’ve never used it to their advantage. They’ve become a product company with no soul.”

“Great companies read your soul,” says Hainsworth. “They give you something you didn’t even know that you needed.”

More info: Tether web site:

Sutherlin, OR McDonald’s

On our way back from visiting Portland we stopped at the Sutherlin, OR McDonald’s for a potty break.  Tyler and I conquered every playground on our way back.  You haven’t lived (or broken the playground rules) until you’re 6′ 2″ and crawl through the playplace.  By the way, I would recommend more parents crawl through them because they are absolutely disgusting but it didn’t slow us down too much.  After I went down the slide after Tyler I proclaimed “my life is now complete”.  I don’t remember stuff like this when I was his age.  Come to think of it, I don’t remember much about being three.  Bring on the motorized toddler monster truck!

Saota Home Architecture

Some beautiful homes designed by Saota, an architecture firm in Cape Town South Africa. Their website is also extremely well designed.  One of my favorite homes is the Sow House – Lake Geneva which was featured in a design blog.