My site went from a daily average of 60 visits to a sudden spike of over 8,000 yesterday. At one point 385 people were on the site, so I am happy my web server was able to keep up with the demand (thank you, WordPress and WP Super Cache). The 400 pound snake story caused tons of people to visit yesterday from I was ranked third on Bing and as of today I am now first (if you don’t count the Bing news article served up before it). Even though I was thrilled to see so many people visiting, it looks like most came to the site and left after 30 seconds. The good news is some of you stayed and some even subscribed to my RSS feed. I say anyone who knows how to subscribe to an RSS feed is a friend of mine and most likely someone who will enjoy the articles on this site. Thanks to everyone who visited and a big thanks to those of you who have come back or subscribed to my site.