Best Buy Corporate Headquarters Visit


I was at Best Buy’s corporate headquarters today in Minneapolis, MN for the CMMA Professional Development Conference.  The agenda for the events today were as follows:

  • Keynote Dialogue: Video Fueling Culture.  Brad Anderson, Vice-Chairman and CEO, Best Buy
  • Fueling Communications Culture Topic & Discussion #1: Advocating for the Audience (Best Buy’s TAG TV Team)
  • Fueling Communications Culture Topic & Discussion #2: Listening to Employees (Best Buy’s Employee Communication Team)
Brad Anderston - Vice Chairman/CEO
Best Buy CEO
Brian Dunn - President/COO

Presentation #1:
Keynote Dialogue: Video Fueling Culture.  Brad Anderson (Vice-Chairman and CEO) and Brian Dunn – (President/COO), Best Buy


  • Best Buy did a video series where they asked customers who walked out of the store why they were leaving the store without merchandise.  They were able to get lots of insight into why they were missing out on potential sales.
  • In our old days “we sold products to customers instead of solutions for customers”
  • Best Buy’s China operations: one of the first two Best Buy China employees hired was named Arial.  The reason she was hired was in her interview she was asked why she wanted to work for Best Buy.  She held up her hand and said to the CEO:  “Mr. Anderson do you see this (pointing to her lifeline within the palm of her hand)?”  She continued saying “in that time I want to help change China.”
  • “We want to be the kind of place that attracts people who have big dreams” (Brad Anderson)
  • An audience member asked “what are your customers telling you where you need to be 5 years from now?”  Brad Anderson answered by saying “people feel like they are slaves of their devices.  People engineering their devices engineer them to fit their needs instead of consumers needs.  It isn’t a good excuse because of scale any more.  Best Buy will be successful if we can enrich people’s lives by solving that complexity for the customer”.
  • People want to be able to do business with companies they can trust.  How do you get to a place where you are transparent so people can trust you?
  • They do spots where employees tell the stories of customers they have affected
  • Communications is the conscious of the organization and they were never accepted and they were a little dangerous in that they let a story go out that challenges a premise of a company.  Talked about a book called the naked corporation.
  • The leaders that have a tough time with it end up being the butt of the jokes.
  • Sending DVDs to the stores of “Tag TV”
  • Not actively measuring video effectiveness but when employees pull a corporate video that was pushed it is a sign of something that is working

What is the story of Best Buy now and how does it end?

  • The center of Best Buy is its employees.
  • Things that don’t have a reason to exist tend not to
  • Organizations as large as Best Buy can’t grow without communications and technology that support those communications
Listening to Employees
Jennifer Rock – Director Employee Communications
Barry Johnson – Director Employee Communications
  • Best Buy reduced employee discounts to save the company money and created “The Water Cooler” which is a forum for employees (54 pages of feedback).  The Executives went back and changed their minds about reducing the employee discount after 5 days.
  • Sent out an IOC saying “We heard you” and we made a mistake on this one and we want to hear more.
  • Four types of dialog (note: the more complex the change the more active you need the dialog to be)
    • Measurement – “Rate This”
      • Survey
      • Annual Audit
      • Poll
    • Download with Feedback loop – “Get, then tell”
      • Meeting w/ Q&A
      • Post event survey
      • Suggestion box
      • Survey
      • News w/email
    • Communicate & Discuss – “You jump in”
      • Town Hall
      • The Chair
      • Discussion Boards
      • Social Network
      • Learning Session
      • News w/comments
    • Listen, plan, target, discuss – “Give insights, drive strategy”
      • The Chair
      • Group Summit
      • Survey
      • Discussion Boards
      • Virtual Town Hall
      • Poll
      • Focus Group
  • Perform a Yearly Communications Audit
    • Measure how important each attribute it is to you and how well you are doing in each attribute
    • Strategies & Values
    • Managers as Communicators
    • Tactical Info
  • The Chair is a 1:1 feedback mechanism where there are 2 chairs in a busy traffic area with an easil with a sign asking for someone that walks by to sit down and talk.
  • They have “If you were COO for the day” where employees can say what they would do if they ran the company.
  • Have an Employee News site
    • Used to convey tactical information to more strategic communications
    • “Why Do I have to Change my “#@&$#*$(” Password? is the example they used
    • Can rate every comment up or down
    • No comments are anonymous except one which dealt with health care.  They originally had the ability to make each anonymous but the community told them they wanted it turned off so they listened.
  • Water Cooler
    • is the online discussion board tool at Best Buy and the number one way they listen to employees within the walls of Best Buy.  Not pretty, highly functional, uses open source tools.
      • Main categories
        • My Company
        • My Location
        • My Department
        • My Groups
      • 233 visitors in the last hour to the site when she took the screenshot
      • 1,130,574 posts to date and 64,537 topics
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Best Buy Corporate Campus Videos

Best Buy Lobby Tour

Best Buy Fitness Center

Best Buy Eating Area

Dozer Day

My mom, dad, and sister took my nephew Evan to Dozer Day in Vancouver, WA today. There were about 75 different dozers, back hoes, etc that the kids could ‘help’ operate.  As describes it: “The Nutter Foundation will put kids in the driver’s seat of bulldozers, dump trucks and other heavy construction equipment this month as part of its annual Dozer Day fundraiser. Dozer Day, which benefits the Clark County Parks Foundation, allows children to ride on construction equipment next to a professional operator. Event organizers are looking for several hundred volunteers to aid in operating the heavy equipment, unloading and reloading kids, monitoring lines and drive times, and helping with various other event activities.”  Source:

The event will be held on May 16 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Fisher’s Quarry, 19201 S.E. 34th St., in Vancouver, Wash.

Mall of America Facts


  • Cost to build – $650 million
  • Economic impact – Mall of America contributes more than $1.8 billion in economic impact activity annually to the state of Minnesota
  • Gross leasable space – 2.5 million square feet
  • Gross building area – 4.2 million square feet
  • Number of stores – More than 520
  • Sit-down restaurants – 20
  • Fast food restaurants – 30
  • Specialty food stores – 36
  • Movie screens – 14
  • Employees – 11,000 year-round, 13,000 during summers and holidays
  • Parking spaces – 12,550 on-site
  • Walking distance around one level – .57 miles
  • Total store front footage – 4.3 miles
  • Key attractions include Nickelodeon Universe®, Underwater Adventures® Aquarium, LEGO® Imagination Center, Dinosaur Walk Museum, A.C.E.S. Flight Simulation, NASCAR Silicon Motor Speedway, Bloomingdale’s, Macy’s, Nordstrom and Sears.

Did you know?

  • 258 Statues of Liberty could lie inside the Mall
  • If Mount Rushmore was divided into individual monuments, a president could reside in each of the Mall’s four courts
  • Mall of America is big enough to hold 32 Boeing 747s
  • Seven Yankee Stadiums can fit inside Mall of America
  • If a shopper spent 10 minutes browsing at every store, it would take them more than 86 hours to complete their visit to Mall of America
  • There is no sales tax on clothing in Minnesota


Mall of America Pictures

Made it to Minneapolis

I made it to my hotel a few minutes ago and wanted to upload the pictures I took today.  They aren’t anything spectacular but I like to take pictures so bare with me.  I actually ended up getting on the flight I was scheduled to be on in Salt Lake City but my bag didn’t.  The flight doesn’t get in for another 3 hours so I’m doubting I’ll see it tonight but hopefully it will get here in the morning.  Off to go find some food and explore the city…