Inspirational One Armed Basketball Player

Found this really nice article today on the web about a basketball player who was born without most of his left arm and a girl/woman his same age who lost hers in a traffic accident.  To top it all off, his family is from Pleasanton, CA which is the same city I work in.   Hopefully everything works out well for them, it is a great story.  Article source:

Prospect Provides Inspiration With What He Doesn’t Have

FORK UNION, Va. — Kelli Whitescarver did not see traffic bottle up on Interstate 95 until it was too late. She lost control of her black Ford Explorer, which smashed a guardrail, flipped onto the driver’s side and dragged her left arm on the pavement.

Whitescarver, 21, had been on her way home to Richmond on Nov. 2 after visiting her sister in North Carolina. Instead, she was on her way to the hospital to have her left hand amputated.

During Whitescarver’s three-week stay at the Medical College of Virginia, she was told the amputation would not stop her from maintaining a normal life. But the people who told her that had two hands. Then, through some unusual serendipity, Whitescarver heard about someone who did not.

Kevin Laue, 18, was a 6-foot-10-inch college basketball prospect from California who was born with a left arm that ended at the elbow. He had recently enrolled at Fork Union Military Academy, about 50 miles from Richmond, in hopes of being noticed by an Ivy League team, but not for the reason he was most often noticed.

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Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

May 1, 1969: Fred Rogers testifies before the Senate Subcommittee on Communications

For Christmas, my mom and dad got me “The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember”.  Kevin Rose just Tweeted about the video above.

“In 1969 the US Senate had a hearing on funding the newly developed Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The proposed endowment was $20 million, but President Nixon wanted it cut in half because of the spending going on in the Vietnam War. This is a video clip of the exchange between Mr. Rogers and Senator Pastore, head of the hearing. Senator Pastore starts out very abrasive and by the time Mr. Rogers is done talking, Senator Pastore’s inner child has heard Mr. Rogers and agreed with him. Enjoy”

Web 2.0 & Privacy: Gary Vaynerchuck’s View

Gary, I completely agree with you.  If you are a good person you have nothing to worry about with new technologies and if you have things you want to hide, good luck because you won’t be able to hide it for long.  Technology has helped me learn things about people I didn’t want to learn, find old friends, connect with others, and research people before I met them.  I have a very different outlook on privacy and “openess” than most people though.  I am really, really open and don’t have anything I won’t talk about but I know others are not that way and I have no problem with it.  So far I don’t think anyone or anything has “invaded” my privacy.  For instance I know a lot of people were up in arms about Google Street view.  If you are not familiar with Google Street View it is basically a car with a camera that drives down streets and takes 360 degree images of everything.  So if you go to Google Maps you can type in the address of your home and you may have a Google Street view of your entire street/community which I thought was cool.  It helped that I had just mowed my lawn and had the house looking really nice though.  🙂  So has technology invaded your privacy yet or what are your thoughts?

So I Got an iPhone


My AT&T contract was finally up so I went to Best Buy yesterday and got one.  Obviously I am still learning things but I can already tell it is going to change how I live and use technology.  For instance I was going somewhere last night I hadn’t been to before so I printed out the address of the place so I could GPS it in my car.  Well that works if you remember to take it with you as you are leaving which I didn’t.  So as I realized I didn’t have it so I stopped for gas, got my iPhone out and Googled it.  I am a huge open source advocate so I know I’m going to take some heat over not buying an Android OS phone but I don’t think it is ready for prime time yet and the iPhone is.  I just got Twitterific installed so there is no stopping me now.  Obviously more reviews and feedback to come as I learn more.

Planes, Trains, & Automobiles


Hey everyone, I’m back in the Bay Area after visiting Portland for the last few days for Christmas and let me tell you it was quite a trip!  I woke up this morning at 3:30am and left with my dad and Tyler to the airport at around 4:20am for our 6:45am flight so I could get Tyler back to Lana for Christmas.  My dad heard the main roads had cleared up so he took the chains off his truck.  We had quite a ride down the hill to the highway and once we got on the highway everything was plowed really nicely with no snow at all.  We were going maybe 45-50 MPH when we must have hit some ice going over an overpass when we started zig zagging left, then right, then back left, then back right until we did a 180 into the highway wall which luckily had a ton of snow buffering it.  The snow bank stopped the truck and my dad told me to drive so he could push us out of the snow and back onto the highway.  We got going again and I kept it in four wheel drive going real slow the rest of the way to the airport.  Everyone including my dad’s truck is luckily fine but it was quite a ride let me tell you.

We only had to stand in line during check-in for maybe 5-10 minutes and the guy checking me in asked my dad if he wanted to help me through security and I didn’t even give him a chance to answer before I said “YES” for him.  The guy said he was a single dad too so he understood what it takes to get through security which was so nice.  It was really nice to have some help going through security and then we got a Starbucks and watched Tyler flirt with all the people.  Of course as they were calling for us to board Tyler decided to “do his thing” so I ended up being the last one to board.  He was really good on the flight and went to sleep about 10 minutes into us taking off.  When we got into Oakland it was raining and really windy which wasn’t fun for Tyler and I because we had to stand and wait for the economy lot bus.  I dropped Tyler off at Lana’s and just got home about an hour ago after calling my parents to tell them I made it.  I don’t think I went on any trains but it has been quite an adventure let me tell you.  Merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone.

Dear 2008

writingaletterDear 2008 we have now spent 31,556,926 seconds together (give or take a few thousand at the time of writing you this).  We shared seconds I wish could have lasted forever, and seconds I wish I could give back to you that will remain with me forever.  In the same year, I saw my son walk his first steps and my marriage walk its last.  We have shared deep sadness, betrayal, shock, anger, hate, frustration, helplessness, joy, exhaustion, success, failure, love, heartaches, and headaches.

More than halfway through the year, I knew you were starting to consume me.  I couldn’t absorb all that was being asked of me and that I was asking of myself.  I was like a sponge who had taken in all it could, which didn’t have room to absorb anything else.  I knew that I was taking on more than I should, and it was affecting myself and those around me.  I started to tell others I was seeing things were broken and my desire to fix them.  Fortunately, I had enough foresight to realize part of what was happening, but I had no idea how much foresight I lacked, which I eventually gained.  The important thing I take away from 2008 is I now understand what happens to a sponge which has nothing left to absorb is squeezed.  It drains itself of everything the pressure demands, which leaves it void of what it used to have.  However, the sponge is then able to absorb better things.  In life, be careful how much you absorb, but also be careful how much you let go of something you have committed to keeping.

You taught me a lot about myself, probably more than any other year I have come to know. You have changed me in ways I didn’t think possible.  Entering 2008 I was on a track to something I thought I wanted, but it took a freight train on that track to hit me to realize it is something no longer of importance to me.  My nephew Evan’s favorite toy is Thomas the Tank, and I find it so interesting every time I play with him that he creates a disaster in order for Thomas to come and save the day.  Evan yells, “HELP CHOO CHOO… HELP!” and along comes Thomas to assist.  My help isn’t coming from a train but rather from others who have helped push me up the hill saying “I think you can, I think you can”.  To those who have helped push me up the biggest obstacle of my life, words can’t express how grateful I am.  Freight trains are tough to stop and even after they hit you, they will drag you quite a distance if you don’t find a way to stop it.  I tried to stop it several times after it hit me before realizing the train didn’t have brakes of its own, so the best thing I could do was direct it onto another track I was not on, but I truly hope in doing so it doesn’t hit anyone else in its path.

Do whatever it takes to keep your family happy and since that isn’t always possible, remember to find a way to keep yourself happy.  Just be careful to make sure your happiness isn’t at the expense of others.  I’m sorry 2008, I won’t miss you, but I’m also not sorry for meeting you, which is an odd thing for me to say.  2009 you had better be good to me because I deserve so much better than 2008.


Today’s Family Pictures

It has been another really long day but it is really great to be with family again.  They all went to bed after watching Big People Little World where one of their family friends (Mike) died suddenly.  After watching that episode it really gets you thinking about life and what is important.  Some of you know that in my personal life this year didn’t go as expected.  I’m starting to write my last post of the year to get some thoughts together but in the meantime I can’t stress enough for those reading this how important friends and family are so during the holiday remember what is important.