Kevin Rose’s Desktop (from Revision3 Forums)


  • Chris Howard
  • Daniel Burka
  • Tim Ellis
  • Steve Williams
  • Brian Link
  • Matt Von More
  • Bob Buch
  • ?
  • Natalie Villalobos
  • John Quinn
  • Joe Stump
  • Steve French
  • Beth Murphy
  • Sarah Lane
  • Melody
  • David Prager
  • Liz
  • Mike Malone
  • Ariel Waldman


  • 110.09 GB available on his hard disc
  • It was Monday at 9:29 PM
  • He uses both Firefox and Safari
  • Spore Creature Creator, Zune and Amazon Software are in the Dock
  • Twitterrific in the menu bar
  • He didn’t empty the Trash
  • The desktop wallpaper is Aurora

Tyler’s New Car…

We took our car to get serviced today and while we were doing some errands to kill some time we took Tyler to Toys R Us and got this for him.  We pushed him around in it all day, I think he likes it.