Misc. San Francisco Pictures

Here are the rest of the pictures, according to Google Maps we walked about 8.6 miles but it likely was more because we did some weaving.  Bernal Hill Park was really nice because it has a 180 degree view of the entire city.

Humphry Slocombe’s Ice Cream

I had heard about Humphry Slocombe’s from word of mouth and knowing we’d likely be in the area today we were able to stop by and try it.  I had the chocolate ice cream with smoked sea salt and it was amazing.  Christina had “Elvis has entered the building” which has banana, bacon, and peanut brittle ice cream.  As you can see the line was 10-15 people out the door and we passed by it twice and each time the line was still just as long.  It was recently featured in the NY Times and I seriously think it is our generation’s Ben & Jerry’s.

The Clarion Alley Mural Project

While walking through the city today we stumbled on an alley filled with murals.  Ironically one of the murals was featured on the cover of a book I’ve been wanting to get called Street Art San Francisco: Mission Muralismo.  It was probably my second favorite part of the day because I love seeing art out in the open for all to enjoy.  The Clarion Alley Mural Project (CAMP) was established in 1992 by a volunteer collection of six North Mission residents. The founders of the project were Aaron Noble, Michael O’Connor, Sebaiana Pastor, Rigo 23, Mary Gail Snyder, and Aracel Soriano. Directly inspired by the mural cluster in Balmy alley, CAMP determined from the outset to be as thematically, culturally, and stylistically varied as our North Mission neighborhood.

Blue Bottle Coffee

Christina and I went to Blue Bottle Coffee in the Ferry Building today.  I had heard about the rave reviews of their coffee and it is good but I still like Gaylord’s Coffee on Piedmont the best (followed by Stumptown) in Oregon.

History of Marijuana

A Marijuana History Lesson

Chuck Cirino gives us a short history lesson on how marijuana became illegal in the US. The November 2nd ballot in California includes Proposition 19, which if passed would legalize various marijuana related activities in California.”  Via @LaughingSquid.  Now I haven’t given this topic much thought but I found the history interesting, especially the part about racism.  I couldn’t find anything on Wikipedia on this but you can Google around and find the same quotes.  Does anyone have any thoughts or links to support or discredit this?