Running A Project & Managing A Project

“If you choose to manage a project, it’s pretty safe. As the manager, you report. You report on what’s happening, you chronicle the results, you are the middleman.  If you choose to run a project, on the other hand, you’re on the hook. It’s an active engagement, bending the status quo to your will, ensuring that you ship.  Running a project requires a level of commitment that’s absent from someone who is managing one. Who would you rather hire, a manager or a runner?” – Seth Godin

Why is so important?

“Consider the mosquito borne disease malaria. This year, malaria will kill over one million people, over 80% of which will be children. Great Britain used to have malaria. In North America, malaria was epidemic and there are still a handful of infections each year. In Africa malaria kills over 100 people per hour. In Russia, amidst the corruption of the 1990s, malaria re-established itself. What is the difference between these cases?

We know how to prevent malaria. The science is universal. The difference is good governance.

Put another way, unresponsive or corrupt government, through malaria alone, causes a children’s “9/11” every day.

It is only when the people know the true plans and behavior of their governments that they can meaningfully choose to support them. Historically, the most resilient forms of open government are those where publication and revelation are protected. Where that protection does not exist, it is our mission to provide it.

In Kenya, malaria was estimated to cause 20% of all deaths in children under five. Before the Dec 2007 national elections, WikiLeaks exposed $3,000,000,000 of Kenyan corruption and swung the vote by 10%. This lead to enormous changes in the constitution and the establishment of a more open government — one many hundreds of reforms catalyzed by WikiLeaks.

We believe WikiLeaks is the strongest way we have of generating the true democracy and good governance on which all mankind’s dreams depend.”

>> Source:

Zach Anner Auditions To Host TV Show On Oprah’s New Network

Zach's Oprah Audition

Thank You, Internet

Zach shows not taking yourself too seriously and believing in yourself goes a really long way in life (he is awesome).  Be sure and vote for him (he has 2.6 million votes already)!  “Zach Anner, who has cerebral palsy, made a hilarious audition video for Oprah who is searching for a someone to host their own show on her new network. The Internet went nuts over Zach’s video (which has over 2.5 millon votes), where he humorously outlined his idea for a travel show. John Mayer was so moved he made a video in support of Zack and even offered to write a theme song for the show if Zach wins.”  – Via

David Blaine Shows Kevin Rose And @Summertomato Card Trick

David Blaine makes a deck of cards shrink

From YouTube comments: “At about 0:25 he splits the deck and pockets cards. Probably everything but her card and hearts. Then he asks her for a suite – if she named hearts he’d say he got rid of everything buy the suite she named. She named clubs, so he says ‘gone’. Then the next time she names hearts – and he ‘keeps’ them.”  You’ll also see he is with @summertomato (good for them).