Data Visualization of The State of The Internet

JESS3 / The State of The Internet from JESS3 on Vimeo.

The video goes quick so I jotted down the numbers below for us to analyze.  Here are some interesting facts about the state of the Internet:

  • 1.73 billion – Internet users worldwide (September 2009)
    • 738,257,230 in Asia
    • 418,209,796 in Europe
    • 67,371,700 in Africa
    • 20,371,700 in Oceania / Australia
    • 179,031,479 in Latin America / Caribbean
    • 252,908,000 in North America
  • 90 trillion emails sent on the Internet in 2009
  • 247 billion is the average number of emails per day, 200 billion of those emails are SPAM (81%)
  • 1.4 billion email users worldwide
  • 234 million websites as of December 2009
  • 126 million blogs on the Internet
  • 84% – Percentage of social network sites with more women than men
  • 27.3 million tweets per day on Twitter (November, 2009)
  • Ashton Kutcher has 4.25 million followers on Twitter (@aplusk)
  • Facebook serves up 260 billion page views per month (6 million page views per minute and 37.4 trillion page views in a year)
    • Page Views per month
      • Facebook 260 billion
      • MySpcae 24 billion
      • Twitter 4.4 billion
      • LinkedIn 1.9 billion
    • Facebook needs as many as 30,000 servers to run the site
    • 350 million people on Facebook
    • 2.5 billion photos uploaded each month to Facebook (about 30 billion a year)
    • There are 4 billion photos hosted on Flickr (October 2009)
    • YouTube serves up 12.2 billion videos per month in the US
    • Hulu serves up 924 million per month in the US
    • The average person watches 182 videos per month on the Internet in the US (82% of us)
    • 148,000 new zombie computers created per day
    • 2.6 million malicious code threats at the start of 2009 (viruses, trojans, etc)

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