Motivated By The Moon


The documentary In the Shadow of the Moon came out in 2007.  I’ve always loved to watch the trailer when I need self motivation and it is a great team building tool.  Watch the above trailer and ask yourself how it applies to your life and career.  Below are some excerpts I’ve noted from the video:

  • “I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man of the moon, and returning him safely from space.” – John F Kennedy, Jr.
    • Individuals (and especially leaders) must provide vision, stretch goals, and those goals need to be time driven.  Sometimes the goals seem impossible, but everything is possible under the right circumstances.
  • “And that was a bold move, it had some risky aspects to it. But it was a time when we made bold moves.”
    • My favorite quote of the trailer.  Think about what you really want to achieve in life and go for it no matter how big or small it may be.  Don’t let your fears define who you are.
  • I had a feeling the whole world was watching us. Not only do I have a lot of things I can do wrong, but the consequences should I do them wrong are be immediately obvious to 3 billion people.”
    • Make sure when you are doing something big in life to think things through so you can do your best when everyone is watching.
  • “And then it dawned on me from an emotional point of view, that we are going to go to the moon.”
    • Don’t forget to enjoy life along the way.
  • “People instead of saying “well you Americans did it”, everywhere they said “we did it…we the human race…we people did it…and I thought that was a beautiful thing.”
    • When you attempt big things in life it is great to have the support of others.  Don’t let people stop you from achieving your dream should they say you can’t accomplish something you want in life.  There is no “I” in TEAM.
  • “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
    • What you do in life may seem small to you but everyone is capable of doing amazing things.  If you live life right you can not only do things that positively impact yourself, but also others.

The Current State Of Fashion

I went to the mall in San Francisco this afternoon to help my girlfriend pick out some outfits for work and was surprised at what Nordstroms is putting on mannequins these days.  What is going through retailer’s minds when they dress these mannequins?  Do retailers think this is what people want to buy and wear, or is their strategy simply a marketing gimmick?  The outfit on the right is half decent, but what is going on with the one on the left?

Even though outfits put on display can be outrageous, what people are actually buying these days tends to be pretty tame.  This topic led to an entire discussion on what the current state of fashion really is.  I think we are living in a time where people really do have a good sense of fashion, and I’d actually say people are dressing more “normal” than any point in the last 30 years.  I know we really can’t define normal but in 20 years if we look back at fashion’s current state will we be able to define it?  How would you describe our current state of fashion?

The Art & Science of the Email Signature

Everyone these days has their own email signature.  Email signatures are what the email tool of your choice leave at the bottom of every email, most of the time being your name and contact information.  The folks over at Smashing Magazine have a great article about the science behind the signature which I think everyone should take a look at if you are a geek like me who likes to see and analyze those different styles.

Renovating American Infrastructure

 Roads, Bridges & Trains Paul Wootton

I was talking with Scott at lunch yesterday about our normal random things and somehow we got on the subject of America’s infrastructure.  I was telling him I recently read a great article from Popular Science about renovating America’s infrastructure and wanted to share with everyone as well.  The following is an excerpt: “Chicago road crews are scrambling to fill 67,000 potholes a month. Communities in Pennsylvania rely on 100-year-old water pipes made of wood. Squirrels still cause widespread blackouts. The country’s 600,000 bridges, four million miles of roads, and 30,000 wastewater plants desperately need attention. The solution isn’t patches, it’s an overhaul. Soon roads and power lines will fix themselves, and we’ll mine energy from sewage. America’s 21st-century tune-up won’t happen overnight, but we could start reaping the benefits (faster broadband! cleaner water!) within the next few years.”  >> Read the full article

Super Franks Round 2

Super Franks Slide from Jeremy Person on Vimeo.

ChooChoo from Jeremy Person on Vimeo.

Went to Super Franks again today and I don’t know who had more fun…Tyler or me.

A Save For The Cameras: Paper Plate Bean Shakers

02 Paper Plate Bean Shakers

I have two friends named JJ.  The JJ in Phoenix has a band called A Save for the Cameras and he sent over some of his songs tonight.  My favorite is “Paper Plate Bean Shakers” which I’ve embedded above.  I asked him where he got the band name A Save for the Cameras and he said “me and the other guitar player used to always play Fifa together on Playstation and when a guy kicks a ridiculous shot and the keeper blocks it, the announcer says “that was a save for the cameras”.  Help JJ spread the word of his band and I’m sure he would appreciate you letting him know what you think.