Obama’s Speech to America’s Students

President Obama's Message for America's Students

I just finished watching the President’s speech tonight and I liked it.  I think the first part was a little weak but toward the end it had some real substance.  I don’t know if it had much impact in student’s lives overall but I also don’t think it hurt anything either.  I loved the examples at the end regarding failure.  Everyone is going to stumble at one point in their life and you aren’t always going to be good at everything you try.  I think people give up on things too easily.  I had a preacher in Oregon who didn’t teach me much (sorry but you didn’t) but the one thing that did stick is every Sunday he would tell his congregation to “stick and stay and make it pay”.  What he meant by that is you are going to get your feelings hurt at one point or another but if you let others take you away from your true purpose you will lose out on learning and fellowship.

Let’s take a look at America’s education system:

  • American 12th graders rank 19th out of 21 industrialized countries in mathematics achievement and 16th out of 21 nations in science. Our advanced physics students rank dead last.
  • Since 1983, over 10 million Americans have reached the 12th grade without having learned to read at a basic level. Over 20 million have reached their senior year unable to do basic math. Almost 25 million have reached 12th grade not knowing the essentials of U.S. history.
  • In the same period, over six million Americans dropped out of high school altogether. In 1996, 44% of Hispanic immigrants aged 16-24 were not in school and did not hold a diploma.
  • In the fourth grade, 77% of children in urban high-poverty schools are reading “below basic” on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).
  • Average per-pupil spending in U.S. public schools rose 212% from 1960 to 1995 in real (i.e. inflation-adjusted) dollars.
  • In 1960, for every U.S. public school teacher there were approximately 26 students enrolled in the schools. In 1995, there were 17.
  • The average salary of U.S. public school teachers rose 45% in real dollars from 1960 to 1995.
  • In 1996, 64% of high school seniors reported doing less than one hour of homework per night.

My article with sources at the bottom of the page: http://www.freedomworks.org/

My Notes from President Obama’s Speech:

  • Unless you show up, education doesn’t mean anything
  • Put in the hard work it takes to succeed
  • Education is the responsibility they each have
  • Everyone has something they are good at and you have responsibility to yourself to find what that is
  • You can’t drop out of school and drop into a good job
  • Nobody has written your destiny, in America you make your own future
  • You won’t necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try
  • Some of the most successful people in the world are those who had the most failures
  • You can’t let your failures define you, you have to let your failures teach you
  • Asking for help isn’t the sign of weakness isn’t a weakness, it is a strength
  • Even if people give up on you, don’t ever give up on yourself

Everyone has been super quiet in “commentland” these days, what did you think of the speech?

Santa Cruz Day Trip

We went to Santa Cruz’s Beach Boardwalk yesterday and the weather was fantastic (low 80’s).  There was lots of Labor Day weekend traffic getting there so it ended up taking a few hours.  We walked the boardwalk, went on the ferris wheel, had a great Mexican food lunch, played miniature golf, played some arcade games, walked on the beach, walked to the end of the pier, watched sea lions for a while, and by that time it was 6:30pm and time to head back.

While walking on the beach I saw Oliver Choy and his girlfriend.  Oliver looked to be doing well and I was really glad we ran into him.  I think I last saw Oliver down in Vignette Village in Austin, TX maybe 3-4 years ago.  Below are some videos of the sea lions hanging out under the pier.  We got a tip from a nice lady at the end of the pier that you can take the stairs down and look under the piers.  The sea lions are able to jump up onto the piers and I got a video of them (below) unsuccessfully and successfully jumping onto the pier which was fun to see.  I lost at miniature golf, I lost at air hockey, and I lost at a car racing game so it wasn’t a winning day for me but it was really enjoyable and lots of fun.

Successful Sea Lion Jump

Mankind Is No Island

Mankind Is No Island from Daniel Spratlin on Vimeo.

“Using images found on street signage in Sydney and New York, Jason van Genderen shot this entire movie on a cell phone! “Mankind is No Island” is a cleverly crafted visual and musical narrative, whose production budget was a whopping $57! Winner of the TropFest NY 2008 award, the world’s largest short film festival, this is three and half minute experience that will leave you inspired.”  Source: http://www.dailygood.org

Organic Pop Tarts Recipe

pop tarts blueberry 8ct

Gary sent me this recipe because he knows I love my breakfast of champions food…Pop-Tarts!  OK I’ve been given a hard time for eating them so I have cut way back but man they are tasty.


  • 1 cup all purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter
  • 2 tablespoons cold water for mixing
  • 1 cup homemade preserves/jam from organic fruit such as apple, apricot, cherry, wild blueberry, cherry, mango or your favorite fruit flavor
  • Powdered sugar
  • Note: Choose an organic store bought jam if you don’t have time to make your own.
  1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Place the flour in a bowl with the salt, sugar, and cut the butter into small pieces. Work the flour and butter together with your hands, until the mixture is well blended. Sprinkle the water over the mixture to smooth out the any small irregular clumps. Work the dough vigorously until it is relatively smooth. You may also use a food processor, if desired. Wrap in plastic and let the dough rest 30 minutes.
  2. Roll out the tart dough on a cold lightly floured surface. The dough should be about 1/8″ inch thick. Cut rolled out dough into 3″ by 5″ shapes, using a postcard as a visual gauge. (For smaller tarts, simply use a smaller measurement.) Cut 8 rectangles, and use a pastry scraper to place 4 bottoms onto cookie sheet lined with parchment. Place 2 to 3 tablespoons of jam onto the center of each pastry of the 4 bottoms. Place the 4 pastry tops onto the jam centers, aligning the corners. Press the edges with a fork, until each tart is closed, working around the entire rectangle. (These may be prepared ahead of time and refrigerated or frozen.)
  3. Bake for 25 minutes, or until the tarts are golden brown. Serve immediately with a sprinkling of powdered sugar.

Political Quotes


“Those who give up essential liberties for temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
– Benjamin Franklin

“America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”
– Abraham Lincoln

“Peace is not the absence of conflict.  It is the ability to handle conflict through peaceful means.”
– Ronald Regan