The Little Engine That Could


Now that I am reading lots of kids books again it is interesting to look at what we teach children and what we end up doing with the information as we become older.  When growing up we tend to learn to forget what is possible, we better understand our capabilities, we doubt ourselves, we let others tell us what we can and cannot do.  When you ask a young child if they can do something, chances are they will answer yes.  Once older that same child will likely learn to analyze his or her past experiences, as well as what others have advised in similar situations, and make an “informed decision”.  Don’t let others hold you back from your dreams and don’t let others tell you what you can and can’t do.  If you look at all of the people who have become successful at something in life, chances are they failed when they first started doing it.  I’ll probably mess up a quote I heard but it basically said “can’t never could until it tried”.  As long as you learn from your mistakes and continually remind yourself that “I think I can, I think I can”, chances are you can.

Julie and Julia Review


Went and saw Julie & Julia tonight which was overall pretty good.  In case you missed the trailer for the movie, according to IMDB it is about “Julia Child’s story of her start in the cooking profession which is intertwined with blogger Julie Powell’s 2002 challenge to cook all the recipes in Child’s first book.”  I certainly stayed with it mostly due to the fact that it was a movie with half of the story about a woman who blogged about her passion for cooking.  I would say if you are a person who doesn’t like to blog or who doesn’t like to cook I’d at the very least wait for it to come out on DVD.  I would give it a solid 7 out of 10.  You definitely get a Julia Child accent going on after seeing it so watch out.  Bon Appetite!

J. Diddy


Jason Parks sent me this picture with the following which was funny:  “You could be P. Ditty’s new bodyguard. We will call you J. Diddy and get you a big diamond earring and fancy sun glasses to bling you out. But don’t quit your day job”.  I guess I had that coming posting all of the Diddy pics didn’t I?