Our internal blog recently asked employees for the best career advice they would offer to others. Below is my response which I wanted to share. My hope is you will in turn offer your best advice.
Set a plan for what you are looking to do with your career. Many people don’t have a plan for where they are looking to go and their career path often demonstrates that. Have short, medium, and long term goals. Make sure and consider family choices/decisions as those need to be factored into career planning as well. Once you have your plan be ready for the opportunity when it comes because when someone answers the door you’ve been knocking on, be ready to articulate/show you have what it takes! Also, you have to knock on some doors many times for the opportunity to present itself. Don’t give up.
Don’t let anyone tell you can’t be successful at something. There are going to be times in your career when you may not succeed. When you don’t succeed some may stop believing in you, but never stop believing in yourself.
What is your career advice?
psu jobs says:
I think it’s better to keep career plans secret from the employer if it does not fit into the organization.
I think the most important thing is believing in self.