Faith The Dog

This is a story about a dog who was born on Christmas Eve, 2002.  He was born with 3 legs – 2 healthy hind legs and 1 abnormal front leg which needed to be amputated.  He of course could not walk when he was born.  Even his mother did not want him.  He was rejected and scorned.

His first owner also did not think that he could survive.  Therefore , he was thinking of putting him to sleep.  At this time , his present owner Jude Stringfellow came into his life and wanted to take care of him.   She was determined to teach and train this dog to walk by  him self.  She thought , all we need is a little faith.  Therefore she named him ‘Faith.’
In the beginning , she put Faith on a surf board to let him feel the movements of the water.  Later she used peanut butter on a spoon as a lure and to reward  him for standing up and jumping around.  Even the other dogs at home helped to encourage him to walk.  Amazingly , after only 6 months , like a  miracle , Faith learned to balance on his 2 hind legs and jumped to move  forward.  After further training in the snow , he can now walk like a  human being.

Faith loves to walk around now.   No matter where he goes , he just  attracts all the people around him.  He is now becoming famous on the  international scene.  He has appeared in various newspapers and TV  shows.  There is even one book entitled ‘With a little faith’  being published about him.   He was even considered to appear in one of  Harry Potter movies.


His present owner Jude Stringfellow has given up her teaching job and plans to take him around the world to preach, ‘that even without a perfect body,  one can have a perfect soul.’








In life there are always undesirable things.  Perhaps a person who feels things are not going as well as they could will feel better if they change their point of view and see things from  another perspective.  Perhaps this message will bring fresh new ways of thinking to everyone.   Perhaps everyone can appreciate and be thankful for each beautiful day that follows.  Life is the continual demonstration of the power of thinking positive and having faith.  Believe in yourself.  Never lose faith.

Inspirational One Armed Basketball Player

Found this really nice article today on the web about a basketball player who was born without most of his left arm and a girl/woman his same age who lost hers in a traffic accident.  To top it all off, his family is from Pleasanton, CA which is the same city I work in.   Hopefully everything works out well for them, it is a great story.  Article source:

Prospect Provides Inspiration With What He Doesn’t Have

FORK UNION, Va. — Kelli Whitescarver did not see traffic bottle up on Interstate 95 until it was too late. She lost control of her black Ford Explorer, which smashed a guardrail, flipped onto the driver’s side and dragged her left arm on the pavement.

Whitescarver, 21, had been on her way home to Richmond on Nov. 2 after visiting her sister in North Carolina. Instead, she was on her way to the hospital to have her left hand amputated.

During Whitescarver’s three-week stay at the Medical College of Virginia, she was told the amputation would not stop her from maintaining a normal life. But the people who told her that had two hands. Then, through some unusual serendipity, Whitescarver heard about someone who did not.

Kevin Laue, 18, was a 6-foot-10-inch college basketball prospect from California who was born with a left arm that ended at the elbow. He had recently enrolled at Fork Union Military Academy, about 50 miles from Richmond, in hopes of being noticed by an Ivy League team, but not for the reason he was most often noticed.

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Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

May 1, 1969: Fred Rogers testifies before the Senate Subcommittee on Communications

For Christmas, my mom and dad got me “The World According to Mister Rogers: Important Things to Remember”.  Kevin Rose just Tweeted about the video above.

“In 1969 the US Senate had a hearing on funding the newly developed Corporation for Public Broadcasting. The proposed endowment was $20 million, but President Nixon wanted it cut in half because of the spending going on in the Vietnam War. This is a video clip of the exchange between Mr. Rogers and Senator Pastore, head of the hearing. Senator Pastore starts out very abrasive and by the time Mr. Rogers is done talking, Senator Pastore’s inner child has heard Mr. Rogers and agreed with him. Enjoy”

Don’t Worry Be Happy

happy-pigI found the article below and thought I would share it with you.  If you are not happy now, you likely never will be.  Article source:

We have all foolhardily said, at one time or another, that if we only had so-and-so, we would be happy forever. I remember saying it when I was a little tyke and wanted a two-wheeler, and later when I was a young man and wanted a house, three kids, and two cars!

I think we set ourselves up when we depend on outside things to complete us and make us happy because we, in a way, become hostage to those circumstances. It’s a love/hate thing. We love the good times, but there is the veiled threat that the good times could go away. And that subconsciously scares us. So naturally, we become glued to anything pleasurable and adverse to anything not pleasurable. This sums up our lives, actually, this running away from that which we hate, and running toward what we love.

But this running toward and running away; can it ever provide us with lasting happiness? We’re happy with our kids, but the little rascals tend to grow up, and then reject everything we have ever taught them. As they go their own way.

Perhaps true happiness is something different from this clinging and pushing away. Perhaps true happiness is an internal thing. If we have unconditional happiness in our hearts, can outside circumstances ever disturb that happiness? Problems will surely come along, but like water off a duck’s back, problems will be only problems and nothing that disturbs our inner happiness.

On the other hand, if instead of happiness we harbor anger and discontent in our hearts, then regardless of how good outside circumstances are, the anger, and the conflict, will never stop.

So, can we develop internal happiness that won’t be corrupted by bad things that happen to us in an uncertain world? A question, I would think, that is critical because happiness is what we all pursue in one way or another, yet seldom find for long.

It is obvious that the first thing we would have to do is begin weaning ourselves from counting on outside circumstances to make us happy, simply because if we don’t, we will forever be held hostage by circumstances we cannot control. Our bank account, our friends, our relatives, our homes, our jobs – all of these could suddenly go away. Even our very lives could end.

It is not that we give all our money away, or hide from everyone and live in a cave; that doesn’t work because we would still be stuck with ourselves, and ourselves never make us happy because we know for sure that ourselves will definitely go away some day!

We must take a different approach, something we have perhaps never considered, and detach ourselves psychologically from all of this, while at the same time maintaining a love for it. This would mean living a full life, but without the smothering and threatening attachments that we now feel. If we could pull this off, we would be happy, and our happiness could never be threatened.

It all comes down to love actually; real love, unconditional love, which is a love directed at the other and never toward oneself. When we grasp at a pleasure or push away an annoyance, the movement is always centered on ourselves, never the other. The greatest charity, the greatest gift we can give, is giving up ourselves. When we can do that, we will have incorruptible happiness in our hearts, simply because no matter what happens to us, we no longer count, only the other counts. Can we look beyond our egos to see the logic in this?

Imagine if the other would feel the same way toward you; that you are the only thing that counts. Can you imagine the results? The results would be the exact opposite of what we are seeing presently in our violent world. The results would be a heaven on earth.

But it must begin with us; it cannot begin with them. Just as anger loops until violence erupts, love loops as well, but the results are dramatically different.

If you want to develop unconditional love, be willing to look at yourself. When you look at yourself, study yourself openly and honestly, in time you will forget about yourself. And when you forget about yourself, your “self” will be replaced by an unconditional love, and more; freedom that you can’t imagine.”

Brenden Foster

Boy shares heartbreaking last wish

If you need an 11 year old to tell you not to give up on yourself or others, here is a great video for you.

Favorite Quotes:
:  What is the best thing about life?  Brenden: Just having one
What gets you sad?  Brenden: When someone gives up; don’t let anyone stop you

Get Busy Liv’n…Or Get Busy Dying!

So, I was watching Miami Ink maybe a year ago (guilty as charged) and on the episode I was watching they had a guy who got a tattoo which said “Get busy liv’n or…Get busy dyin”.  How much would I shock everyone if I all of a sudden showed up with a skull and snake tattoo?  Don’t worry, I’m not getting a tattoo any time soon, common me with a tattoo?  It is interesting to watch that show because people tend to get tattoos after life altering experiences, don’t they?  Anyway, the point of writing this is to ask yourself this: Are you getting busy living or busy dying? So many people go through life feeling sorry for themselves, don’t be one of them.

You only get one life to live, so get busy living, people!

  • “Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us.” — Thomas L. Holdcroft
  • Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking, whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still. — Lou Erickso
  • And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.– Abraham Lincoln
  • Life is like riding a bicycle. You don’t fall off unless you plan to stop peddling.– Claude Pepper
  • It is not length of life, but depth of life. — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies. — Ann Landers
  • Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways. — Anonymous