Tyler Superbowl Dance
Category: Tyler
Tyler Eating Cap’n Crunch Today
Tyler’s New Nike’s
I bought Tyler his first pair of Nike’s yesterday. I have to say I think they are pretty awesome…
Tyler “Raking Leaves”
Last Saturday morning Tyler decided to rake the leaves of a parking lot with his big wheels seat (he pushes it around everywhere for some reason).
Tyler Excercising On The Treadmill
Tyler’s New Table
Tyler’s Thomas the Tank Train
Last of The Christmas Pictures
- Help Dad…
- Love this picture
- Evan & Tyler Exploring
- Evan
- Tyler
- My Dad with the boys
- Tyler (left) and my nephew Evan (right)
- Tyler sitting on the couch
Tyler & His Bear
Tyler & Waiting for Alaska Airlines
I was waiting for Alaska Airlines to pick up the phone yesterday so I decided to turn the video camera lense around so Tyler could see himself.