For Tyler’s birthday Christina’s parents arranged for a San Ramon fire station tour for this morning. As you can see from the pictures and the videos he absolutely loved it but I don’t know if the adults or Tyler had more fun. You don’t realize how complex fire trucks are until you really get up close to them, or in our case we were lucky enough to sit inside of it.
It was a very busy day today but overall I think Tyler really enjoyed his 3rd birthday. Thanks to Christina for being the most kind person I’ve ever known and for helping to throw a great party for Tyler. Thanks to my parents for joining the festivities with us on Skype this evening, miss you and love you. I can certainly appreciate technology when it helps bring us closer even though we are far away. Thanks to Christina’s parents for joining us and helping us celebrate, you are both fantastic and we love you. Mike, Jenn, Evan, and Austin thanks for Tyler’s gifts and as you can see he clearly liked his recorder. Finally, thanks to Lana for bringing cupcakes to Tyler’s daycare this afternoon and sorry I couldn’t make it but I was tied up in a meeting. Being a single dad isn’t easy but thanks to everyone for helping to celebrate my favorite “Person” in the whole world. It is always great to know even though things didn’t work out as planned, Tyler is able to feel very loved and I really appreciate those who care about him.
I like it because it has everything in it, he loves (his beloved drum, a DVD, his dragon, and of course, the sunglasses). Not to mention we were on the way to the hotel to pick up Grandma and Grandpa when I took it, which makes it that much more special.
Tyler’s daycare had a “gala” today where all of the kids sang a song but it ended up being a bust. Tyler nonetheless had his hat on and was more than happy to pose in the parking lot. Oh man this is going to be great blackmail material some day. It won’t be too much longer before he figures out having an umbrella on his head isn’t cool but it sure is cute.
Today is my last day with Tyler for a few days so it may be a little while before you see another on him unless something earth shattering (at least in the parent world that is) happens. We had lots of fun with some great weather over the last few days with my parents. Yesterday Grandpa put together Tyler’s Big Wheel he got for Christmas a few years ago (but was too small to use) while he was taking a nap. He came downstairs to find a new “big boy bike” and we had to try it out.
My parents brought Tyler a dragon and he hasn’t let it leave his sight since he got it. This afternoon when I got him up from his nap I have no idea where he got the beanie but he also decided to put that on for his nap which I thought was absolutely adorable.
When we went to see How to Train Your Dragon a few weeks ago in 3D Tyler did not want to give up his stylish 3D glasses so we let him take them home (hey for $60 we more than paid for them in my opinion). I don’t think he obviously knows they are 3D glasses so every morning he insists to wear them to daycare. I make him leave them in the car, can you imagine the ridicule he would get taking them into daycare?
iPhone pictures won’t do this one justice. At church tonight Tyler got a ladybug mask and for some reason he insisted to wear it upside down which turned it into a creepy toddler version of the infamous Friday the 13th hockey mask (in a church I’ll remind you).