Boston Dynamics PETMAN

PETMAN is an anthropomorphic robot for testing chemical protection clothing used by the US Army. Unlike previous suit testers, which had to be supported mechanically and had a limited repertoire of motion, PETMAN will balance itself and move freely; walking, crawling and doing a variety of suit-stressing calisthenics during exposure to chemical warfare agents. PETMAN will also simulate human physiology within the protective suit by controlling temperature, humidity and sweating when necessary, all to provide realistic test conditions.  Natural, agile movement is essential for PETMAN to simulate how a soldier stresses protective clothing under realistic conditions. The robot will have the shape and size of a standard human, making it the first anthropomorphic robot that moves dynamically like a real person.

Dan Pryor Ski Jump

Last night we saw the Flying Aces  show at the Olympic Park which is approximately ten Olympic athletes doing daredevil acrobatic tricks from a ski jump into a pool of water.  Little did we know Dan Pryor, my boss and president of the association would be first to go.  If you are wondering why they shoot off the bubbles before the skiers land, it is to break the surface tension of the water so the landing isn’t so hard.  As you can see it was cold and starting to snow so it was tough for me to keep my hands from shaking.  Watch the left most ramp for Dan’s jump…

Marshmallow Test Reproduced by Dr David Walsh

Marshmallow test reproduced by Dr David Walsh @ wcco

Watch these kids being tempted with marshmallows as they go through the “marshmallow test”. Like the one originally designed by Walter Mischel ( Marshmallow_experiment).  I think the adult equivalent is credit cards isn’t it?  Very interesting…