JK Wedding Entrance Dance
Category: Videos
Couple with the Same Name to Wed!
Story about a couple who met on Facebook, fell in love, and have the exact same name! I think they are going to make it…cute couple.
Rocketboom Tech Interview With Laughing Squid
Ellie Rountree recently intereviewed Scott Beal from Laughing for Rocketboom Tech outside the The Butler & the Chef Bistro in San Francisco’s South Park.
UFC 100
The Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) 100 is this weekend and it looks to be a great lineup of fighters. I’ve seen every UFC fight and was hooked from the time I discovered the videos at Best Buy about 8 years ago. This YouTube video produced by the UFC is a nice compilation of how the sport has evolved from its humble beginnings.
I wanted to name my son “Tank” after my favorite UFC fighter Tank Abbott but that didn’t last too long so I like to call my little lap dog Tank for fun. Tank didn’t exactly come to the octagon in shape for his fights and called his fighting style “street fighting”. The funny thing is Tank has lost more fights than he has won but man is he fun to watch. You would get these athletes who were world class in their sport and he would occasionally dominate them and I don’t think his fights (win or lose) ever went past the first round. For UFC 100 I’m routing for Brock Lesner, how about you?
Tyler’s Reaction to the Fireworks Last Night
In case you don’t have time to watch the video I’ll summarize: “Ah yelloooooww” and “ooooh”. For some reason he is in love with the color yellow. Pretty cute
99 Balloons
I was told to watch this video the other day and if you are having a rough day it probably isn’t the video for you. It is a true story and you can follow their blog here. Sad yet inspirational how awesome good parents can be.
S.H.Y.N.E.S.S. – Internet Explorer 8
OK now this is funny. I don’t use the word hate much but I hate Internet Explorer, hate it. Love this commercial though. I think I suffer from S.H.Y.N.E.S.S.
Tyler Playing with His Pop Up Animal Toy
Mill City Museum in Minneapolis, MN
I take my camera to as many places as I can, so when I was in Minneapolis, MN a while back I filmed a flour mill tour at the Mill City Museum. Minneapolis is called the “Mill City” and has lots of old mills that sit along the Mississippi River. This video isn’t going to win any awards, but the museum did such a great job depicting the life of an average mill worker, I wanted to share it with you. The elevator seats approximately 40 people, and while we were getting in it, people joked it was like getting into the Tower of Terror at Disneyland. The elevator takes you to different floors and shows you how flour was milled and how dangerous it was. I learned that flour dust is more explosive than gunpowder, so it was really dangerous work and many people died. The mill blew up and caught fire until it was later turned into a museum. It is one of the best museums I have been to and if you think about it, they had a tough time trying to make milling flour interesting. Hope you enjoy it.
Tyler’s New Friend Corbin
Tyler met Corbin at a birthday party today. Pretty cute stuff…