Good, Fast, or Cheap
Reconsidering an Old Adage Through Alice in Wonderland
I’m a CMMA member and was recently asked to provide a written response to the question below. Because I share practically everything, below is my response. Hope you enjoy it.
The Question
Remember this old adage? Good/Fast/Cheap: Pick Any Two
Does it still hold, or have technology changes and production efficiencies made it possible for communications media projects to be all three? We’d like to hear your opinion. We’ll publish your contribution in an article in the next issue of e-visions. If you think the adage still holds, tell us why. If you think some projects can be good, fast and inexpensive, give us examples.
My Answer
“Would you tell me, please, which way I out to go from here? That depends a good deal on where you want to get to, said the Cat. I don’t much care where…said Alice. Then it doesn’t matter which way you go, said the Cat.”
– Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
As long as I can remember I haven’t liked playing by other people’s rules so if I may, I would answer this question by only choosing one which is doing communication projects well (good). I always strive for good, but I’m constantly striving for change and I don’t want myself, my department, or my company to ever be thought of anything less than good. If you want to go fast and be cheap, you can be successful for a while, but ultimately the things you overlook in the process will catch up with you.
Whenever possible, choose good over fast and cheap. There is the old saying that “haste is waste” but old habits must die hard because only until recently have many communications professionals started to analyze the ROI of doing things quickly vs. effectively. Always try to think about the long term implications before making a major decision. Think about the last project you worked on hastily, how did that work for you?
Speed can sometimes win out over doing it well, but you usually can’t be successful if you don’t have lots of money to help you along the way. If you had a lot of resources to access when you needed to go quickly, have you noticed how speed has affected your motivation? In the famous tale The Tortoise and the Hare the tortoise boasts how fast he is but becomes so unmotivated to win he doesn’t take the race seriously. The Hare who slowly and methodically trudges along ends up winning the race. The turtle never lost the “eye of the tiger” and you shouldn’t either. Don’t rest on your laurels because speed can only get you so far.
Don’t be fooled by the old saying that “you get what you pay for.” Today’s communication tools rival what cost then times as much just five years ago. If your company isn’t looking at what the industry is doing outside the company please let me know your stock symbol because I’ll make sure not to invest in it. Constantly look at trends and never think expensive always wins because in the end it isn’t how big your budget or communications tool is but rather what you are able to do with it and I truly believe that.
I know this is going to sound “cheesy” but have you ever listened to the lyrics of the song “Sunscreen”? That song forever changed the way I look at the pace of life.
“Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.”
Some departments are ahead of others, some are behind…the race is long, and in the end, it is all about showing value to your organization. Remember Alice hastily following the rabbit who only focused on time down the rabbit hole. Rabbits are stressed about time, be the turtle and focus on finishing the race with purpose instead of simply crossing the finish line.
Which way should you go? Good? Fast? Cheap?
If you don’t know where you want to get to, it doesn’t matter.