Pictures of Tyler Traveling Last Week

Some pictures I received this morning of Tyler’s trip last week taken on a camera phone.  Pretty cute…

New Coke Dispensers


“Coca-Cola is debuting a new soda fountain that can hold more than 100 sodas. That’s ten times more than current soda fountains.  Currently, fountains work through syrup bags. The restaurant buys a bag (actually, a bag in a rectangular box) from Coke or Pepsi, hooks it up to a soda line and then the fountain combines the carbonated water with the syrup to create your soda. The machines are limited by soda lines, which tend to gunk up with sugar mold, and by bulky soda bags that weigh 30 pounds or more.  The new Coke machine is completely different. The new fountain is like an ink printer with space for hundreds of cartridges. Each cartridge contains a concentrated formula of ingredients. When you press your choice, say Diet Coke, the machine will tell cartridge 12 to release three squirts, cartridge 81 two squirts and so on, then it combines it with carbonated water and viola! The same drink as old machines.

The new fountains can hold a lot more of these little cartridges, so they can handle a lot more flavors. Coca-Cola promises 120 different drinks, but there could be even more as the technology gets better and the company gets more confident. Hypothetically, the machine should be able to act as a bartender too, allowing customers to get a Shirley Temple or Roy Rogers in addition to regular drinks. All it would take is a cherry syrup cartridge.

The first new fountains are rolling out in Atlanta and California in a month. Assuming tests there go well and the public loves its overwhelming choices, the new fountains would come to Kansas City next year.  Coca-Cola’s product list is more than 2,800 beverages long so the company will have no shortage of drinks to pick for the new machine. The main problem is how Coke protects its customers from the paradox of choice, when too many options overwhelm our brains and shuts them down from making a decision.”

Lunch On The Skyscraper


I have this photo hanging in my house, love it for some reason.  This presentation reviews some of the historical photographs captured by Charles Ebbets in the early 1930’s.  Most of them depict daily scenes of the workers who participated in the construction of the skyscrapers between 1920 and 1935.  As you will see, the safety measures were somewhat peculiar and the photos were done trying to play down that situation.

Wilbur Puppy Pics

San Diego

I drove down to San Diego over the extended weekend which was really fun.  Went out to dinner at a place called Islands which we don’t have here in the Bay Area on Saturday night.  Played some poker with M&M’s, peanuts, and raisins for a while and went to my hotel which ended up being overbooked so they gave my room away.  They put me at a nice place across town free of charge which ended up working out but I paid for it with lack of sleep as I didn’t get into my room until 1am.  On Sunday I went to a church that has to have one of the best views possible because it is up on a hill and all of the windows overlook the ocean.  I liked the pastor a lot and got quite a few things out of the sermon.  Sunday afternoon I drove around and saw a lot of beaches, a lot of ocean, a lot of towns I don’t remember the names of, Seaworld (the outside of it) and seals.  Legoland isn’t too too far from Seaworld and it looks like Tyler would love going there when he gets older.  Sunday night I ate downtown and got some ice cream (can’t go wrong with that).  Laura, they had the USS Midway docked downtown and I think you can take tours on it which made me think of you and Skyler.  By the time I got downtown it was dark so the pictures I took won’t do it justice.  On Monday I-5 closed through the grapevine so I had to take 101-N the entire way home which turned a 7 hour drive into an all day and night event.  Made it home safe this morning and had a great time.