TED Talks: Do Schools Kill Creativity?

Do schools kill creativity? | Sir Ken Robinson | TED

A TED talk about education and how we are teaching kids to grow out of creativity in school.  The notes I took during watching the video is that:

  • Communication is just as important as literacy to teach children
  • Kids are not afraid of being wrong which lets them be more creative
  • Kids will take a chance and if they don’t know something, they will take a go at it and they are not frightened of being wrong
  • If you are not prepared to be wrong you won’t come up with anything original (love that quote)
  • We don’t grow into creativity we grow out of it
  • Schools of today were created in order to meet the needs for industrialism
  • Women tend to be better at multi-tasking (thicker corpus colusum)
  • The story about the girl who was born to dance at the end was great.  Everyone just has to find their passion and what they were born to do

My KitchenAid Mixer


Never, ever, ever, ever get divorced but if you are going through it like I am, I really feel for you.  The strange thing I found after separating is you go to get something (especially in the kitchen) and you can’t find it so you think “hmm maybe I misplaced it”.  Then you think “hmm maybe she took it with her” and you repeat that process a million times until you drive yourself crazy.  When my wife took her things to her new new place the thing I missed more than anything else was the KithenAid mixer (odd I know).  I made cookies the other day with one of those hand mixers and the thing was moaning at me like a dying cow.  I found a new mixer online a few days ago which just came to the house today for $100 less than everyone else had it listed for so I am pretty excited to get one again.  She did all of the cooking and baking so watch out world I have a mixer now so you have to suffer through my food experiments.

I’ll make it easy on you, here are some excuses (and solutions) for staying safe:

  • “Oh I couldn’t possibly, I am on a diet because of my New Year’s resolution”
  • “I wouldn’t want to spoil my lunch/dinner/breakfast”
  • Ask who else has eaten one and then go over to them to see if they are still alive

Scientists Discover True Love


Reading some news feeds this morning and found this article interesting about true love.

“SCIENTISTS have discovered true love. Brain scans have proved that a small number of couples can respond with as much passion after 20 years as most people exhibit only in the first flush of love.

The findings overturn the conventional view that love and sexual desire peak at the start of a relationship and then decline as the years pass.

A team from Stony Brook University in New York scanned the brains of couples who had been together for 20 years and compared them with those of new lovers. They found that about one in 10 of the mature couples exhibited the same chemical reactions when shown photographs of their loved ones as people commonly do in the early stages of a relationship.

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2009 New Year’s Resolutions


Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each new year find you a better man. – Benjamin Franklin

I was thinking about what my 2009 resolutions would be and I thought it would be smart to focus on what I’d like people to say about me at my funeral. This comes from Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People — the habit called “Begin with the end in mind.” If you are at the end of your life, looking back what would you like to have accomplished? What kind of person would you like to have been?

2008 was quite a year and knowing at least some of what 2009 will likely entail should make it a really interesting year as well (but hopefully much more positive).  At the start of 2008 everything was going great, mid 2008 about as good as it can get but then at the end of 2008 it fell apart.  I think most people only have one resolution but that isn’t really my style so below are my 2009 new year’s resolutions:

Health Resolutions

  • By the end of the year be able to do 100 consecutive push-ups.  I’ve been trying forever (still at 27).  🙂
  • Run a mile in under 6 minutes, thirty seconds.  My treadmill in the garage has been getting more use these days.
  • Remember to eat.  When I’m stressed I don’t eat, or at least not much.  My little brain gets wrapped up in what is going on around me and I either forget or don’t want to.  Yeah, not eating is probably not a good thing.
  • Eat at least one vegetable a day.  Last night I had broccoli.  It’s a start…

Relationship Resolutions

  • Spend more time with family and friends.  Remember to tell them how important they are and how much I appreciate them.
  • Be a good dad to Tyler and son to my parents.
  • Read at least one self improvement book a month.  Right now I’m reading The Marriage Fantasty which was loaned to me by a friend.  By the way the book isn’t saying marriage is a fantasy but rather people have unreasonable expectations about what marriage is and how to make it last.
  • Attend church every week (unless I am really sick or something like that of course)
  • Try to forgive and forget (might have to forget before I fully forgive…haha)

Career & Hobby Resolutions

  • For JeremyPerson.com I am at a 115 visitor daily average so I met my 2008 goal of 100.  For 2009 I’d love it if the traffic would double to at least 200.  Everyone likes to be heard and I am no exception.
  • Work hard, play hard, and remember what is important
  • Watch at least one movie a week.  These days I am lucky if I get one movie in a year.
  • Launch at least 3 new websites (I have lots of ideas)


  • Make the bed every day (random I know)

Happy New Year’s everyone!

Random Pictures

A few weeks ago I took Tyler and the two dogs for a 5 mile walk around our community (quite a feat) and took these pictures.  You have to love the golden hills of California.

Last of The Christmas Pictures