Gary Vaynerchuk Keynote @ RE/MAX Annual Convention 2011

Keynote @ RE/MAX Annual Convention 2011

My Notes:

  • Learned to speak English through Scooby Doo and Price is Right
  • Learned why Gary became a Jets Fan
  • When you are 12 and you have 10k under your bed and you are not selling weed, you are doing a good job.
  • Set up a lemonade stand, collected/sold baseball cards, and then it clicked that collecting wine and being an expert in it was his next ticket.
  • ’98-’05 Grew from a 4 to a 45 million dollar business
  • The Thank You Economy is about listening.  Start listening and don’t do so much talking.
  • People used to spend millions of dollars doing focus groups.  Now people are doing it for free and it isn’t biased (not in a focus group room etc).
  • You don’t go back to what hurt you (Charlie Sheen > more cocaine).
  • We just lived through the big box era, we are going to an era where people go to where there is a relationship.

What did I miss?  What do you think?

Steve Jobs and NeXT

Steve Jobs brainstorms with the NeXT team 1985 | Jobs official

Notes from the video:

  • There is a revolution in software going on now.  Simulated learning environments: You can’t give students expensive lab environments for their tests, but you can simulate them on the PC.
  • More important than building a product, we are in the process of architecting a company that will hopefully be much more incredible than the sum of its parts.
  • One of the things that made Apple great was in its early days it was built from the heart. That is like a bomb run, you don’t change your target when you are on a bomb run.
  • There needs to be someone who is the “keeper or reiterator” of the vision because there is just a ton of work and a lot of times when you have to walk a thousand miles when you take the first step, it looks like a long way.  It helps when there is someone there saying “we are one step closer”.  The goal definitely exists, it isn’t just a mirage out there.  So in a thousand and one little ways, the vision needs to be reiterated.  I do that a lot.

Incredible Speed Boat Catch (Boat View)

Epic Frisbee Catch Off A Boat | Brodie Smith

YouTube: “One of the most amazing catches you will ever see. The plan was for me to launch the frisbee out into the water and for the boat to drive up onto it so the ‘How Ridiculous’ boys can make the catch. However, Derek had other plans giving us the Incredible Speed Boat Catch!