Jeremy’s Blast From The Past #1

Did you know I used to be crazy about baseball, and even more crazy about baseball card collecting? When I was about 10 or 11 I used to sort baseball cards for a guy who owned a baseball card shop in town. He evidently liked me and took me under his wing to teach me the business with his son (the one putting me in a headlock at a baseball card convention).

To this day, I have lots and lots of cards I don’t plan to ever sell, they will probably get passed on to my son or sons some day. I could sell them for a few grand, but the memories and hard work as a kid can’t ever be bought, so I plan on holding on to them.  Oh, and if you look at the bottom left-hand corner of the picture, you’ll see a Jose Canseco framed poster. At the conference, Jose and his brother Ossie Canseco did a signing session, so I got their autograph and the poster hung in my room as a kid and my man cave until recently. It is one of my few prized possessions I’ll again never sell and isn’t probably worth much, but the memories are priceless.  When other kids were out enjoying their summers, I was working in a baseball card shop in the back or sorting them from home. I absolutely loved it…

Circus Vargas

We took Tyler to Circus Vargas tonight and he loved it!  He was talking the whole ride home about it and did really well.  Oh and Christina and I had fun too…