Fat, Sick And Nearly Dead

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead Official Trailer

I just watched Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead on Netflix Instant tonight.  That in itself is pretty incredible for a number of reasons.  I’m crazy cheap but decided I was sick and tired of hearing all about how amazing Netflix is and not being able to experience it for myself.  That and they came out with a new pricing model today, so I decided to give it a try.  All I have to say is I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it.  Now I have to cut my cable bill or another cost because that is how I roll.  Watching the documentary was also incredible for me because I’ve never been one to watch many movies.  I want to do so many things in life, movies haven’t ever been much of a priority for me.  Heck, I’ve never seen Braveheart and lots of other great movies people tell me about which I’m sure I’d love, but I personally like to spend my time doing other things.  If I do watch movies, my absolute favorites are ones I’ll learn something from, so I absolutely love documentaries.  Yes I also love my superhero and Sci-fi movies too, so I know what you are thinking.  OK, so enough about Netflix and why I don’t watch movies and onto the movie review part of this post!

Fat, Stick and Nearly Dead was very educational, very inspiring, very low budget, and very enjoyable.  I embedded the trailer above, which doesn’t do it justice.  It was so inspirational I paused the movie twice to juice some strawberries after the first 30 minutes and then a small bag of carrots about 20 minutes after that.  I used to be into organic foods, juicing, exercise, and mental health, but life just consumed me.  This documentary was a great reminder to keep what is important in perspective.  Christina didn’t drink much juice before she met me, but I love juice (Odwalla in particular).  Bob and Christina, kept thinking about you all throughout the movie (Bob because of his shakes).  The movie was very life changing and what is most interesting is every ailment they were suffering from went away after only 60 days after drinking 100% juice for those days.  They had skin rashes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, migraines, and they all went away.  Now of course you can’t and probably shouldn’t only drink juice, but as a supplement and cleanser it seems to work very well.  Hope you get a chance to watch it and Bob and Christina (and of course Barbara) I want to have you over for dinner and a movie to show it to you some night.  Very motivational!


The Story Behind The New Picture

I changed the header images on the site a few weeks ago which included a more professional picture of me.  I wanted to give you some background on it.  At work I was talking to Brian about a new project which we thought may require employee avatars.  I showed him my avatar on LinkedIn and Twitter and he said something like “yeah you like that picture, you’ve had that for a long time now” so I said OK well then let’s change it and gave him my camera phone.  I was actually joking around when taking the pictures but they turned out half decent (to my surprise) so I decided to use them.  The photo below was my Jerry McGuire pose.  I was probably saying something like “show me the money” or something absurd but he said my hand was covering my face so it didn’t work very well.  All work and no play makes Jeremy a dull boy.  So next time someone says you need a change, try something different and have some fun.  It also helps if you are a camera ham.  So there is the story behind the new picture in case you were (yeah I know you probably weren’t) wondering.

The Object Of Education Is Learning, Not Teaching

This article from Russell Ackoff on education is great: The Objective of Education Is Learning, Not Teaching.

Here’s a snippet: “Traditional education focuses on teaching, not learning. It incorrectly assumes that for every ounce of teaching, there is an ounce of learning by those who are taught. However, most of what we learn before, during, and after attending schools is learned without its being taught to us. A child learns such fundamental things as how to walk, talk, eat, dress, and so on without being taught these things. Adults learn most of what they use at work or at leisure while at work or leisure. Most of what is taught in classroom settings is forgotten, and much of what is remembered is irrelevant.”


OK, just got done DJ’ing on Turntable.FM.  They weren’t feeling the Sammy Hagar, that got killed right away, but my second and third songs killed.  😉  Turntable.FM is crazy addicting and scary at the same time.  DJ’d with Chris Sacca, a very famous VC and investor (most famous for investing in Twitter).  Interesting conversations in the chat room tonight while we were DJ’ing.  Oh, and people have no clue what Ubuntu is when they see my computer. Technology is changing the world…love it…fun stuff.

Jeremy Person started playing “Why Can’t This Be Love (Live In St. Louis)” by Sammy Hagar
@Sacca: Hey Jeremy, Eddie Van Halen once came into my record store…
Jeremy Person: Yeah big fan
@Sacca: And when he went over to the Van Halen section, he saw the Sammy Hagar solo album
@Sacca: And he grabbed it and whipped it across the store
@Sacca: smashing the case in the process. 🙂
Jeremy Person: Haha, no…
@Sacca: true story. 2000 in park city, utah

Jeremy Person: And then he just walked out?

@Sacca: Adam! Click on the fifth turntable
@bennybaltrotsky: come join adam

@Sacca: Sweet sweet tune.

@bennybaltrotsky: lulzec how is chrome os?
lulzec: its all good

@Sacca: @jeremy @lulz the theme of this room is music we’ve discovered from other folks in TT

Jeremy Person: Apple, Windows, Ubuntu, and Google. Interesting.
@bennybaltrotsky: we have a diverse group
@bennybaltrotsky: where is everyone?
Jeremy Person started playing “Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots Pt.1” by The Flaming Lips
Jeremy Person: With @Sacca in here it should be jumping…
@Sacca: We are laying low. Music for the sake of music. Underground.
George Dy: The ONLY way to roll.
Jeremy Person: George, come grab a turntable…
@bennybaltrotsky: why are you in the back
@bennybaltrotsky: 1 spot open
George Dy: Enjoying the beats.
@bennybaltrotsky: nice!
Jeremy Person: Hey George…yeah!
sc0tt: chris?
lulzec started playing “I got cha open (remix)” by Black moon
sc0tt: it’s swb1192 from twitter 🙂

@Sacca: Tis me

sc0tt: hey, totally random and not the place, but i have a startup that needs funding. you open? 🙂
lulzec: love it
lulzec: love the hustle sc0tt
sc0tt: haha oh yeah
@bennybaltrotsky: what up lance
@Sacca: @scott Ha. There isn’t any place that is the wrong place.
Jeremy Person: @Sacca, you’re awesome…good answer.
lulzec: if you play a good track, sacca funds you
@Sacca: But, I am taking a break from new early stage deals while I focus on the stuff in my portfolio.
@Sacca: Trying to not spread too thin.
sc0tt: understood. have any connections with someone who might be interested? it “only” needs 100k
@Sacca: @lance You wanted to change into something more comfortable?
@Sacca: @sc0tt Try Angelist. It seems to be helping a lot of founders

@Sacca: It kind of democratizes the fundraising process

George Dy started playing “Hot Like Sauce” by Pretty Lights
sc0tt: i see it now.
sc0tt: your thoughts on tech bubble? 🙂
@bennybaltrotsky: all the questions
DJ QFunk @quinnwageman: lol
DJ QFunk @quinnwageman: angellist, nice
@bennybaltrotsky: @sacca is god real
George Dy: That’s right, bob your head.
@Sacca: The bubble: its a tough time to be an investor, a great time to be building a company
@Sacca: But legitimately cool **** is getting built these days. Case in point: @turntablefm
George Dy: Definitely got that right, I’m assuming its risky in your shoes @Sacca.
sc0tt: ah. tough to weed out who’s legit and who is suckish
Lance Dashoff (@loudieapp): @scott you should also try ohours too
Lance Dashoff (@loudieapp): http://ohours.org/
sc0tt: i don’t get how turntable makes money
@Sacca: The users do that for you.
DJ QFunk @quinnwageman: they dont yet
sc0tt: thought so.
@bennybaltrotsky: lance im going to play one i got from you on TT
sc0tt: i’m a college kid working with a 35 yr old coder. he needs to feed his family, i just want to get the site up and running
George Dy: what do you do?
sc0tt: the site we’re working on?
George Dy: no, you yourself, how do you contribute?
sc0tt: oh right. more on the operational side, as in how it’s going to work and what the product should actually do.
Lance Dashoff (@loudieapp): which one?
Lance Dashoff (@loudieapp): lance dashau5
Lance Dashoff (@loudieapp): im changing my name to that
George Dy: who’s doing the design/ui/ux?
sc0tt: working with a designer
sc0tt: he made the shamrock milk designs with the cows :b
Lance Dashoff (@loudieapp): weird fact: pretty lights guy is 6’9
sc0tt: i had a different designer before,
sc0tt: but i sent her black and white mockups to work off of and she said “if you can design, what do you need me for”
Cave Johnson: Saw Pretty Lights playing, had to stop in

Jeremy Person started playing “Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta” by Geto Boys

@bennybaltrotsky: 🙂
DJ QFunk @quinnwageman: hah
@bennybaltrotsky: when i hear this song i want to beat up a fax machine
Jeremy Person: Haha, I know right?!?!
@bennybaltrotsky: or printer
@bennybaltrotsky: sho4sho
@bennybaltrotsky: it is the 1 and only sho4sho
@Sacca: It all seems to come down to old school hip hop.
@getcontactinfo started playing “Mattress” by Atmosphere
Sho4Sho: does the ginger in the middle using a lost themeed computer
Jeremy Person: Ubuntu all day long
Sho4Sho: whats that
Lance Dashoff (@loudieapp): http://ttdashboard.com/
Jeremy Person: @Sacca keep changing the world. Gotta hit the hay. Take it easy everyone…
DJ QFunk @quinnwageman started playing “It’s Bigger Than Hip Hop UK (Full Vocal Mix Explicit)” by WTF?
@Sacca: Later bro.