Everything Is A Remix The Ideas Episode

Everything is a Remix (Original Series)

“I invented nothing new. I simply assembled the discoveries of other men, behind whom were centuries of work. Had I worked fifty or ten or even five years before, I would have failed. So it is with every new thing. Progress happens when all the factors that make for it are ready, and then it is inevitable. To teach that a comparatively few men are responsible for the greatest forward steps of mankind is the worst sort of nonsense.” — Henry Ford

“The act of creation is surrounded by a fog of myths. Myths that creativity comes via inspiration. That original creations break the mold. That they’re the products of geniuses. And appear as quickly as electricity can heat a filament. But creativity isn’t magic. It happens by applying ordinary tools of thought to existing materials. And the soil from which we grow our creations is something we scorn and misunderstand even though it gives us so much. And that’s copying. Put simply, copying is how we learn. We can’t introduce anything new until we’re fluent in the language of our domain, and we do that through emulation. For instance, all artists spend their formative producing derivative work.”

Enounter With A Snake

OK, it probably wasn’t deadly, but we saw this on our walk tonight and luckily Christina had her iPhone on her. I’m not a huge snake fan, AKA, yeah I’m scared of them, so I got as close as I felt comfortable…AKA…I got close enough that if it charged me, I could run like crazy away from it safely. Risking my life for your blogging enjoyment, people, that’s what I’m here for.

Happy Meal Marketing Magic

I’m not a huge fan of the quality of McDonald’s food. However, the golden arches have a tractor beam that pulls me in with a seemingly irresistible force. Part of why I still like McDonald’s is the nostalgia. I now prefer burgers from Fudruckers or Five Guys, but I noticed my son Tyler started recognizing company brands wherever we went. I’m loyal to Safeway because I work for the company. Therefore, Tyler quickly learned to recognize Safeway and its trucks as we passed them on the highway. I have always loved Starbucks since I was introduced to coffee in college, and Tyler knows that brand because I go there a lot. As I am raising Tyler, what is interesting is what companies are, and are not, doing regarding marketing to children.

I have taken particular interest in McDonald’s marketing strategy because they are masters of marketing to youth. I’m a big fan of ice cream, so on a nice hot day a McDonald’s shake hits the spot.  Not to mention the Shamrock Shakes around St. Patrick’s Day, but I digress.

How is your company’s marketing to younger demographics?  McDonald’s is a master of marketing to children, their happy meals and “Play Places” are brilliant.  Whether you are a retailer, technology company, church, or politician, you can’t forget about youth if you want to compete and stay relevant long term.

A few ways you can market to children:

  • A children’s menus
  • A seating area for children
  • A play area for children
  • Carts for children to push around your store, or ride in
  • Gumball machines at the “choke points” in every store, such as the entrance and exits
  • Free cookies or candy. Mom and dad have to go into the department to get it. This usually leads to the parents looking for other goodies for themselves, which aren’t free.  It is the drug dealer tactic, where, “I’ll give you this one for free, but I know you’ll be back for more.”
  • Internships
  • Commercials
  • DVDs that come with toys
  • Candy and toys in the check stands
  • Don’t forget about your employees, either.  Daycare at your facility while mom or dad are working is one of the best ways to retain talent.  Lunch with the kid(s) increases work/life balance, even if it is just for an hour.

What are some other strategies you’ve seen, and what other ideas do you have?

The Firebird

And then there was the Firebird, oh how I loved that car.  I worked really hard for that car, really hard.  Try going from the Firebird to a Honda Civic.  You know what, though?  I actually like my Civic.  I wouldn’t ever trade my little family for anything, of course, but oh what a car it was.  The good news is I enjoyed that car like you wouldn’t believe and only one speeding ticket if you can believe it (but yes, pulled over twice).  OK, thanks for going down memory lane with me.

Def Leppard: Ziggy Stardust

DEF LEPPARD David Bowie Cover Ziggy Stardust Unplugged In A Pub

My favorite band ever. My parents wouldn’t let me buy the tape because of the band’s name (and yes, I’m that old…when there were cassette tapes…no MP3s…no streaming). Since I couldn’t buy it, I went across the street and listened to it at my best friend Rob’s house. I was such a rebel. Oh, and yes we listened to Poison too, I still love me some Poison. Hi Mom…you’re the best. When I bought the CD after “growing up” and was able to listen to whatever I wanted, and I literally played it so many times it stopped working. Every night, after getting off work, I would drive home with that CD in. Oh, and I had a Ford Probe as my second car. Unfortunate name for a car, but I upgraded the speakers, put in a killer amp, and oh it was just amazing. I sometimes miss that car.