Hulk Hogan’s Clearwater, FL House

When I was little I used to love the WWF and I mentioned to Christina before I left that I wanted to see Hulk Hogan’s house and on the boat ride I got the chance. I’m also a reality TV junkie so I also watched a lot of Hogan Knows Best which was filmed at this house before the family moved to Miami to support their kid’s careers and before Linda and Terry (Hulk) divorced. I had to zoom way in with my camera lense because the boat was pretty far out but it is very nice.

Sea Screamer Powerboat Ride

Saw some dolphins in the wake of the boat but only got a portion of them each time they popped out of the water.

Clearwater This Morning

Got some coffee, visited Publix, walked along the beach for a while and swam in the ocean.  Great day so far.

Clearwater, FL Panorama

Made it to Clearwater, FL today for a conference and some fun over the next few days. This is the view from my hotel room and yes I love Florida so far. I’ve been to Florida a few times prior to this but I haven’t been able to experience it like I will these next few days. Hoping to get in the ocean tomorrow for a swim before the events start. Yes, I know I am very blessed and I will share everything I learn so everyone who wasn’t able to attend (and who I wish could be here) can also benefit.

Times Square With Seth Godin

Times Square with Seth Godin

My notes from the video:

  • Don’t write books to make money
  • 170,000 books published every year and less than 1,000 make money
  • Books spread ideas with authority and they are souvenirs of ideas.  If you can open the door for somebody and help them think a different way, and cause a positive change in the world, that is a good day’s work.
  • is a service company that happens to sell shoes.
  • Zig Ziglar story – Graffiti and other problems in the school and a new principal came in and started a program where students were “caught” performing acts of kindness.  The students were sent home with letters which required a parent signature to make sure each student was recognized at school and home.  Within 3 months the culture and the majority of the problems that occurred previously went away.
  • Happiness’s best friend is kindness and passion’s best friend is generosity.  As a society if we want to be happy we are going to have to figure out how to be kind.