Why Best Buy Works

Why Best Buy Works

  • Best Buy got rid of “time and place” for workers.
  • They no longer dictate work hours or workplace…where you have to work.
  • They create outcome based goals for what each employee must achieve. It unleashed a whole new envelope of innovation of morale with those workers which allowed them to drive high level performance we’ve seen with Best Buy.
  • Customizing workplace to meet employee needs. Provide flexibility to employees on flexibility and freedom while holing employees accountable for goals and objectives.

It’s Raining It’s Pouring

Tyler’s daycare had a “gala” today where all of the kids sang a song but it ended up being a bust.  Tyler nonetheless had his hat on and was more than happy to pose in the parking lot.  Oh man this is going to be great blackmail material some day.  It won’t be too much longer before he figures out having an umbrella on his head isn’t cool but it sure is cute.

Jeremy The Urban Cowboy

CMMA had their Spring 2010 President’s Dinner at Eddie Dean’s in downtown Dallas which was very fun.  They had calf roping (it was a mechanical one), armadillo racing, and bull riding.  I didn’t think I’d get on the bull until Dan persisted but I have to admit it was pretty fun.  I was thinking “you know, you only live once” which helped me sign the waver and my life away.  As you can see from the bull riding video I am quite the “urban cowboy”.

Starbucks, Traffic, Sunglasses, Airport Oh My

Have you ever had one of those days where things just weren’t working for you?  For some reason, today is that day for me, and I’m typing this to you from DFW Airport.  My morning started trying to find a Starbucks via Hertz’s Neverlost system, but every time I tried to go to a Starbucks (there were several within miles), it would say “you have arrived” and there wasn’t a Starbucks I could see anywhere in sight.

After 15 minutes driving around for coffee I said, “this is ridiculous” and decided to head to the airport which was about 25 miles away.  By the time I hit Highway 121 traffic was crawling at 8am and long story short, by the time I got to the rental car agency I knew I wasn’t going to make it but for some reason I kept rushing.  I got on the rental car shuttle and about halfway to the airport realized I still had my sunglasses on and had left my eyeglasses in the rental car.  Fantastic, OK, so I can’t find coffee, I”m missing my flight, and I left my eyeglasses behind.  “This is the start of a fantastic day” I said.

I got to the airport and sure enough, I was too late to check in, so I’m on stand-by for a flight at noon today.  Evidently, that flight is completely booked, so we’ll see if I even get on that (my luggage will).  I went back toward the car rental shuttle area to go back to the rental car center to see if I could recover my eyeglasses.  The funny thing was I kept seeing everyone from the conference at the check in and even on the shuttle ride back.  I finally made it back to the rental car center and was directed to a million different locations before I was finally told to go “knock on the second door on the left”.  Evidently, that second door was where the lost and found was.  After knocking, a lady answered the door and I explained I had left my glasses, so she got on her walkie-talkie to locate the car.  Of course the person replied with “I have no car with that” meaning they couldn’t locate a car with that license plate number.

The nice lady then left the office and walked with me downstairs until we located the car in a stall.  Wouldn’t you know it, the glasses were nowhere in sight?  She got back on her walkie-talkie, and it was confirmed that nobody has turned anything in.  Regardless, we went back upstairs to check the office at the return area and in office #1 nothing.  Upon going into office #2 she did a brief look around and was about to say “nope nothing here either” before I snuck my head in and saw my glass case sitting on the counter.  I have never been so happy to see my glasses, I thought I’d be wearing sunglasses all day until I could get to an optometrist tomorrow.  I thanked the lady profusely and returned to the airport.

I’ve never missed a flight before, so this is a new experience, a new adventure.  Wish me luck…long story short and lesson learned is to not rush and if you have to rush, keep asking yourself “am I missing anything”?

** Update – Didn’t get on the first flight via stand-by, so I am now confirmed on a flight getting in @ 6:50pm.

JCPenney Headquarters

JCPenney’s headquarters is amazing!  Here are some pictures and a fun video of the JCPenney headquarters. The building is 1,930,000 sq. ft and is home to 4,000 employees and sits on 429 acres.  Don’t miss the robotic mail carts video down in their basement. Those robots are awesome and I must have one!

Dallas Cowboys Stadium Tour

This morning we had our CMMA Board Meeting which was the work part but the fun part was taking a private tour of the Dallas Cowboys stadium this afternoon!  The stadium is amazing and the stadium screen is even more amazing.  I certainly didn’t expect to get to do this on the tour but we pretty much got to see every part of the stadium including the locker room and even go on the field itself and throw footballs around (forget that I took lots and lots and lots of pictures)!  I took some HD video on the field but the hotel connection is so slow I’ve given up on that for now until I get back home to the Bay Area.  Tomorrow we are off to visit the JCPenney headquarters down the street which means work but this conference is focusing on social media so it should be especially interesting for me.  More to come on that tomorrow.

Traveling To Dallas, TX For Spring 2010 CMMA Conference

View from my hotel room in Frisco, TX (outside of Dallas)

I’m staying at the Dallas-Frisco Embassy Suites for the CMMA Spring Conference and am very thankful for a room that has a balcony view of the Dr. Pepper ballpark.  I love having a hotel room balcony because it lets me sit outside and get away from the stale air of a hotel room and relax which for me means blogging and watching the sun go down.  Every CMMA event they have something called “Bijou Theater” where each company is asked to show a video they are most proud of producing.  Keep in mind the videos are “corporate videos” so you see a wide range of creativity.  I like seeing the videos because it gives you a pretty good feel of each company’s corporate culture.  On Monday night we are actually going to be use the ballpark’s big screen to show the videos which should be very fun.

As you can see it is 2:09am Pacific, 4:09am Mountain and my circadian rhythm is already off a little bit.  The trip down to Dallas was fairly uneventful.  From Oakland our flight stopped in Phoenix and for whatever reason I seem to do most of my layovers at that airport.  The great news is on the flight to Phoenix I didn’t have anyone in the seat beside me and on the leg from Phoenix to Dallas a nice lady in Oakland “hooked me up” with an exit row seat which also didn’t have anyone beside me.  The thing I love about not having anyone beside me on a flight is I can actually break out my laptop and work without keeping my giant arms, hands, and laptop close to my chest.  Seriously if you have ever seen me try to type on a flight with someone sitting beside me, it looks like a velociraptor trying to type.

Driving in the Dallas area is nice because the roads are actually well laid out and just like everything else in Texas, the highways are big and you can tell they put some thought behind their infrastructure.  I know I say this every time I go to Texas but everything is BIG in Texas.  I don’t know why everything is BIG but the stores are BIG, the restaurants are BIG, the houses are BIG, the hotels are BIG, everything is BIG.  I went to Chipotle to get a steak burrito for dinner and if you haven’t tried Chipotle or their steak burrito, definitely do so.  Chipotle is my style because it is cheap, healthy, and quick.

The other thing I’ll mention about Texas, and something I say every time I am in Texas, is the people here are some of the nicest you’ll ever meet.  I’ve lived on the East Coast, West Coast, have relatives in the Mid West, and can honestly say Texas in my opinion has the nicest people of all places I visit or have lived.  You can also tell religion and Christianity is very BIG down here and it shows.  It just seems like a nice place to raise a family.  Things are a lot slower and maybe I am reading too much into it but people seem to have good values here.

Any way, after Chipotle I went to Best Buy to look around, what else would expect a geek like me to do?  Then I went to a half price book store which would be awesome to have back in the Bay Area but I didn’t buy anything.  Next door to that they had this BIG kids entertainment store with a train that picks up the kids in the parking lot…kind of like a Texas sized Chuck E. Cheese.  Then I went to a “Super Target” because I had never been in one and I’m a grocery/retail geek, so I had to see it.  The Super Target surprised me, not because they had groceries, I knew that would be the case, but because going there made me stop and think that the company I work for and Target are actually viable competitors for the first time.  Long story short, the Super Target was very nice, very clean as all Targets tend to be, but I like a more market feel to my grocery store.

I think that is all for now.  I have a Board Meeting in the morning here in a little bit (going back to bed) and then this afternoon we are heading to Dallas Cowboys Stadium for a tour which should be interesting so more on that shortly.

Boss vs. Leader

The boss drives people; the leader coaches them. The boss depends on authority; the leader on good will. The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm. The boss says ‘I’; the leader says ‘we.’ The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown. The boss says ‘go’; the leader says ‘let’s go!'”

-H. Gordon Selfridge, American-British retail magnate

Tyler’s Big Wheel

Today is my last day with Tyler for a few days so it may be a little while before you see another on him unless something earth shattering (at least in the parent world that is) happens.  We had lots of fun with some great weather over the last few days with my parents.  Yesterday Grandpa put together Tyler’s Big Wheel he got for Christmas a few years ago (but was too small to use) while he was taking a nap.  He came downstairs to find a new “big boy bike” and we had to try it out.