What They Don’t Teach You In Design School

“Another thing they don’t teach you in design school is what you get paid for…Mostly, designers get paid to negotiate the difficult terrain of individual egos, expectations, tastes, and aspirations of various individuals in an organization or corporation, against business needs, and constraints of the marketplace…Getting a large, diverse group of people to agree on a single new methodology for all of their corporate communications means the designer has to be a strategist, psychiatrist, diplomat, showman, and even a Svengali. The complicated process is worth money. That’s what clients pay for.” —Paula Scher

By Perseverance The Snail Reached The Ark

Explain to me how a snail gets INSIDE someone’s house?  Yeah I’m over at Christina’s tonight for her infamously yummy tacos and we can’t figure it out either.  She must have closed her front door extra slowly!  I couldn’t think of a catchy title so I did some Googling and also liked this quote: “Time sometimes flies like a bird, sometimes crawls like a snail; but a man is happiest when he does not even notice whether it passes swiftly or slowly.” – Ivan Turgenev

San Francisco Aquarium & A Day In The City

Christina and I went to San Francisco this afternoon to visit the Aquarium at Pier 39. We then went to Ghirardelli for some ice cream.  As you can see, the weather was a beautiful 75 degrees, which was awesome!

Mr. Pickles

Christina and I went to Mr. Pickles for lunch today which is supposed to have the best sandwiches in Livermore.  I had the “Italian Stallion” which has ham, salami, pastrami and dressing.  It was a giant sandwich and we got a chocolate chip cookie and sat outside in near perfect weather so it was tough to beat.  The ratings on Yelp are mixed but I liked it.

Hire A Clown To Stalk Your Kids

“Dominic Deville stalks young victims for a week, sending chilling texts, making prank phone calls and setting traps in letterboxes.  He posts notes warning children they are being watched, telling them they will be attacked.  But Deville is not an escaped lunatic or some demonic monster.  He is a birthday treat, hired by mum and dad, and the ‘attack’ involves being splatted in the face with a cake.  ‘The child feels more and more that it is being pursued,’ said Deville.  ‘The clown’s one and only aim is to smash a cake into the face of his victim, when they least expect it, during the course of seven days.’  If the boy or girl manages to avoid the ‘hit’, they are given the cake as a birthday present. Well, that’s alright then.

The frightening fun can be stopped at any time, which is handy for parents who have second thoughts and don’t fancy the cost of child therapy.  Deville said: ‘The clown will never break into a residence or show up at work. ‘It’s all in fun and if, at any point, the kids get scared or their parents are concerned, we stop right there.  ‘But most kids absolutely love being scared senseless.’  Deville set up his Evil Clown service in Lucerne, Switzerland, after being inspired by some of his favorite horror films – possibly including Stephen King’s It and Killer Klowns From Outer Space.  The idea is unlikely to be popular with sufferers of coulrophobia – the irrational (irrational?) fear of clowns.  But Stephen Vaughan, of Clowns International, said scary clowns could be as funny as their red-nosed counterparts. ‘I think what Dominic is doing is a great idea,’ he added.  ‘Bringing a little bit of life and laughter into kids’ lives is what we are all about.”

Tyler’s New Sunglasses

When we went to see How to Train Your Dragon a few weeks ago in 3D Tyler did not want to give up his stylish 3D glasses so we let him take them home (hey for $60 we more than paid for them in my opinion).  I don’t think he obviously knows they are 3D glasses so every morning he insists to wear them to daycare.  I make him leave them in the car, can you imagine the ridicule he would get taking them into daycare?  🙂

Tyler’s Ladybug Mask

iPhone pictures won’t do this one justice.  At church tonight Tyler got a ladybug mask and for some reason he insisted to wear it upside down which turned it into a creepy toddler version of the infamous Friday the 13th hockey mask (in a church I’ll remind you).