The Greatest Christmas Decoration Ever (Email I Received)


“Good news is that I truly out did myself this year with my Christmas decorations. The bad news is that I had to take him down after 2 days.  I had more people come screaming up to my house than ever.  Great stories.  But two things made me take it down.  First, the cops advised me that it would cause traffic accidents as they almost wrecked when they drove by.  Second, a 55 year old lady grabbed the 75 pound ladder almost killed herself putting it against my house and didn’t realize it was fake until she climbed to the top (she was not happy).  By the way, she was one of many people who attempted to do that.  My yard couldn’t take it either.  I have more than a few tire tracks where people literally drove up my yard.”

Boxee Rules

I’ve tried Boxee in the past but their latest release is outstanding.  I took some screenshots of it for you and on my 24″ monitor it looks amazing!  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the future of television!  You can get videos, pictures, applications, and music (digital media) all in one handy place.  Not to mention it has a super slick interface with an Internet back end to pull new content (you can also browse your local media).  Not to mention they just recently announced in 2010 they will be releasing the Boxee Box which will allow you to purchase hardware that will allow you to easily view Boxee content on your television for those who don’t want to run a cable to their TV from a computer (or view it using a computer screen).

Santa 2009

We went to see Santa today at the mall but their server went down but I luckily had my camera with me (never leave home without it).  It actually saved me $30 bucks and Christina got some good shots nonetheless.  Tyler wasn’t a big fan of Santa but did tell him “bah bye”.

Deacon Dave’s Chrstimas Lights

We went to Deacon Dave’s Christmas Lights last night in Livermore which was amazing!  In total this year he has 325,530 lights and I have never seen a residence decorate for Christmas to this extent.

What is Casa del Pomba?
Portuguese for “House of the Dove”, this is the private residence of Deacon Dave Rezendes. On December 4th, 1982, Deacon Dave was ordained a Roman Catholic deacon. When he was ordained, he dedicated his home to the Holy Spirit. The symbol of the Holy Spirit is the dove. Deacon is one of the clergy of St. Michael’s Church in Livermore. He is also the Bishop’s representative to the Deacon’s & Director of Deacon Personnel in the Diocese of Oakland. He also owns a security business in Livermore. A busy man!

Does Deacon Dave plan the display himself?
Heaven’s no! The Deacon names the theme each year, and does some planning and design. A team of advisors, who are specialists in various fields, takes the theme and runs with it! They are dedicated volunteers who share Deacon’s excitement for Christmas. They often have to be reined in because they come up with some humdingers of ideas!

Can we tour the inside of the home?
No, this is Deacon Dave’s private residence. He does have parties for St. Michael’s staff, his Christmas Crew, and families and close friends. Inside the home, there is at least one tree in each room, including the laundry room and bathroom! There are over 20 trees in all, all decorated by Deacon himself. Each one has a theme, either relating to the room it’s in or a favorite hobby of Deacon’s. Some of the themes are trains, Daffy Duck, religious, dove, teddy bears, peacocks, and Native American. The living room tree in the front window changes each year, to either represent the area or display theme.

Where did the Nativity Scene in the front window come from?
Deacon wants to remind people of the real reason for the season, so he has a lavish nativity crèche always in the front window. New pieces are collected each year. The angels hanging above are imported from Italy, and are handmade papier mache. Very delicate, they appear to be flying over the display.

How do you get the lights up in the trees?
The lights are placed in the trees using extension poles with hooks on the end. The lights in the trees in the back yard are placed in the trees using the same poles, but also standing on step ladders on the roof of the house.

Thanksgiving 2009

Giving Thanks For 2009

Deep Frying a Turkey - Alton Brown Q&A

So much of Thanksgiving these days is associated with eating, but the most important part of Thanksgiving is taking a moment to simply say thanks.  2008 was definitely my hardest year and lots of people helped me get through it which was amazing.  Like every year I’ll do a blog post to recap the year so I won’t say too much but 2009 has been fantastic.  It has had some stressful times like any but it has to be one of my favorite years so far.

In 2009 I’m thankful for my fantastic little man.  I’m thankful for the patience he has taught me and is still teaching me.  I’m thankful for my parents who I’ll be seeing again in less than a month.  I’m thankful for my sister, my brother in law, and my awesome nephew.  I’m thankful for my girlfriend of almost a year who is crazy enough to love a single dad and all of the difficulties that comes along with it.  I’m thankful for my friends, my co-workers, family, extended family, and my reading audience!  I was going to send an email to everyone but figured anyone who really knows me knows to check my blog so happy Thanksgiving to all and thanks!

OK so now that we have that “lovey dovey” stuff out of the way lets talk turkey!  My man Alton Brown was at Google this week to answer some Thanksgiving questions.  If you want to watch the full hour long video you can do so here in HD.  I liked the turkey frying section of the video (embedded above) because I’ve always wanted to try a fried turkey.  Maybe in a year or two I’ll try it and you know I’ll blog about it.  I went to my local Safeway and bought a frozen turkey and I have no idea why.  I’m a holiday guy and even though I may have that turkey in my freezer for two more years I’ll be ready and it was only 80 cents a pound!  Any way, here are my notes from Alton Brown’s Thanksgiving talk in case you don’t have time to watch the full video:

  • Don’t baste the turkey!  People think it makes the skin crispy but if you put milk on your corn flakes does it make your cereal crispy?  Of course not and neither does basting your turkey.
  • If you brine your turkey it will help keep the moisture in (no basting needed) and gives the turkey extra flavor.
  • Frozen are generally better unless the turkey is really fresh meaning you didn’t buy it from a grocery store which is rare.  Here in California I think my Safeway frozen turkey will work just fine.
  • White meat is from the fast twitch muscles and the dark meat is from slow twitch muscles.  I’m a white meat kind a guy myself.