Last of The Christmas Pictures

Tyler Christmas Presents

When I was up in Portland for Thanksgiving my parents sent some Christmas presents home with me.  I was talking to my mom yesterday who asked if I had opened them yet which I hadn’t.  She said we could open them yesterday as my son Tyler and I are going up to Portland tomorrow afternoon for Christmas.  So yeah I had his presents in my closet so he wouldn’t get into them if you are wondering where we are opening them.  Without Lana’s shoes and clothes, it is like another room in the house.  He gets pretty excited about a few of them and by the end, he obviously figured out the whole tear off the wrapping paper to get to the toy trick.  🙂  There are seven videos all together so if you are fascinated by this type of thing click the more button below the second video.

Tyler Opening Gifts Video #1

Tyler Christmas 2008

Tyler Opening Gifts Video #2

Tyler Christmas 2008-2

Tyler Opening Gifts Video #3

Tyler Christmas 2008-3

Tyler Opening Gifts Video #4

Tyler Christmas 2008-4

Tyler Opening Gifts Video #5

Tyler Christmas 2008-5

Tyler Opening Gifts Video #6

Tyler Christmas 2008-6

Tyler Opening Gifts Video #7

Tyler Christmas 2008-7

Tyler’s New Tube & Misc Pictures Today

So Tyler was full of energy after his bath tonight so I got the tube that my parents bought him from IKEA out and decided to make the spare bedroom his playroom.  How cool are his spiderman pajamas by the way?


So I know this is going to sound really odd but prior to Friday night I had never been to an IKEA.  My parents wanted to get Tyler a little table for him to do activity stuff on and I have to say that place is crazy big isn’t it?  I took a picture of the table in the store and I know Tyler is going to love it.  It was funny because by the end of my visit my parents would say “that is going to go on your blog now isn’t it”?  Even funnier when they would say “um that isn’t going on your blog is it”?  This is my life people, exciting stuff.  🙂  I also got a coffee press for a whopping $13.00 which I can’t wait to try.