Circus Vargas

We took Tyler to Circus Vargas tonight and he loved it!  He was talking the whole ride home about it and did really well.  Oh and Christina and I had fun too…

Sonoma, CA

Christina and I had a great day in Sonoma, CA this afternoon.  We ate outside at a great Thai restaurant and I honestly had the best Pad Thai I’ve ever had at Rhin’s Thai.  We walked through the shops, got some ice cream at Ben & Jerry’s andwalked through the park to finish our tour of the town.  The weather turned out to be perfect.  It was a great day!  Oh and we saw one Ferrari and an Astin Martin which was fun for me.

Pleasanton Ridge Hike

Christina and I hiked the Pleasanton Ridge and had a great time today.  We couldn’t have asked for better weather, but I think we both got more sun than we intended.  I spilled some iced coffee on my shirt about 25 minutes into the hike, if you’re wondering what is up with that.  I know who hikes with coffee?  Yeah Jeremy does and that didn’t work out so well for me.  About 40 minutes into the hike we ran into a couple and asked where “the top” was, and they said if we hike to marker 19 we were “doing well” and that there were multiple “tops”.  As soon as I heard 19 I was determined to get there and Christina was a trooper because it was a pretty steep climb.  After a couple of hours and a lot of cows, hills, sweat, and laughs we made it to marker 19!  I know it doesn’t sound like much to you, but it was a long way, and we encountered lots and lots of very steep hills to get there.  Any way, here are some pictures of our hike.

Dean and Deluca St. Helena

If you are ever in St. Helena, just outside of Napa, be sure and check out Dean & Deluca.  The only thing I make sure and buy every time I’m there is Cock & Bull Ginger Beer.  I’m pretty sure it is the most manly soda a person can drink if that is what you are going for in life (me…not so much…I just love bold tastes).  I’m also a grocery geek, and this is a great place to see how others are using their marketing skills in an upscale environment.  I mean, a person like me isn’t going to buy a $50 flower pot cake, but I’ll bet it is pretty good!  My mom bought me some of their Napa Blend Coffee and a coffee pour over maker, which I’m sure I’ll blog about later (mm mm it is good).  Yes, I also had some Cock & Bull with pizza that night and oh man is that stuff good!