Tyler got a Halloween DVD from my parents. The first minute or so of this video is pretty funny because I put it on and there was a scary part at the beginning which makes him run out of the room. Frankly, I don’t blame him.
Category: Tyler
Tyler’s Second Haircut
Tyler got his second haircut yesterday, and it was my first time being able to take him, which was fun. He didn’t want to sit in the airplane or Thomas the Tank seat, so he instead opted for me to hold him while we watched Peter Pan. As you can see in the video he didn’t want to take his sunglasses off so they let him keep them on which was really nice of them. They have genius marketing because they combined a toy store and kids haircut place in one 2000 square foot area. We then went to Panama Bay Coffee and got Witches Brew coffee, which I have to say is one of the best cups of coffee I’ve ever had. Tyler got a milkshake and was finishing up his lollipop from getting a successful haircut. He got to do some more fun things later yesterday afternoon, but one can only put so much in one post!
Tyler Finding Nemo
Our church had a little get together last night. They played Finding Nemo outside by the playground and did a really good job with it. They served popcorn, sweedish fish, gummy worms, and goldfish which of course was fitting for the movie. They had little fish tents setup so the kids could hang out in them too. Tyler is on a sunglasses kick recently and insisted that he wore his sunglasses throughout almost the entire movie.
Tyler & The Cat Food
This is a video taken last December of Tyler playing with a bin of cat food. As you can probably hear in my voice I was sick (was constantly sick back then). This is a pretty cute video from the “Jeremy home video vault”. Tyler can’t ever say he wasn’t well documented as a kid. Warning: I’ve been told this is a boring video but I thought it was cute.
Tyler Laughing in His Highchair
I had a great day today with my little guy, he was eating dinner tonight when I was playing a video featuring Chris Pirillo laughing and when he heard it he immediately began cracking up. I love when you get him going so hard he starts his little belly laugh, it is adorable. You can’t be in a bad mood when watching this.
Tyler and Jeremy Making a Cake Today
As you will see from this video, I am getting to be quite the baker (yeah right). Tyler is fun to cook with and is excited to learn from a master baker like myself. I take my baking very seriously don’t I? Haha…
Tyler’s Reaction to the Fireworks Last Night
In case you don’t have time to watch the video I’ll summarize: “Ah yelloooooww” and “ooooh”. For some reason he is in love with the color yellow. Pretty cute
4th of July 2009
Went to the Danville, CA parade this morning and Tyler seemed to love it. I hadn’t been to a 4th of July parade in years so it was really fun to get in the mood for the fireworks in San Ramon. It was a little warm for a few minutes but after 30 minutes the sun was blocked by a tree so it was perfect parade watching weather this morning. We stayed all three hours and it was really fun. I was a candy catching beast but I admit I have a slight reach and height advantage over the kids around me.
Tyler Enjoying the Parade
Jeremy Catching Candy
Safeway Float
Drums Float and Tyler