Cubicles Are The Phone Booths Of The Future

I just read an interesting blog post from Benjamin Bran who says cubicles are the phone booths of the future. I don’t agree with everything he says but in the end I think he is mostly right. Every morning I get up, shower, put on a shirt and tie, take my dog outside, and take my son to daycare the mornings I have him. From daycare (or straight from home) I usually sit in traffic round trip for 40 to 60 minutes a day. Don’t get me wrong I try to make the most of the time I am in the car by listening to podcasts but I’m still not as productive as I could be.

The days I work from home I get so much more accomplished. I work on a campus of over a thousand people and interestingly only need to meet with .001% of any of them on a given day. Of the people I see I could just as easily talk or video conference with them when necessary.

I’d much rather work on a Linux system and could probably do everything I need on my home machine. I’m more than happy to buy my own coffee, heat and A/C, electricity, broadband, computer, uniform (t-shirt and jeans) and more when I’m able to work from home. I also think working from home can have its drawbacks if you are not careful. If telecommuting is not properly managed I’m sure it could turn into a nightmare but for the most part I think it is inevitable in the very near future. What do you think?

2 thoughts on “Cubicles Are The Phone Booths Of The Future

  • I’m thinking my wife is now “hoteling” from home two days a week…and all I’m seeing is my heat and utilities bills going up!! Yet again, corp america has conned us into taking on more of the cost of doing business for them. At this point, we should all become entrepenuers! ck

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