Team Capsize

CMMA Rafting Spring 2011 #6

Here are some more pictures of the rafting trip from a few weeks ago.  After rafting we sat and watched people wipe out for a while and as you can see I was wiped out (exhausted).  I started lifting weights every morning for the past few weeks after going through that rafting trip.  I quickly realized how little I use my muscles when paddling down a set of rapids for an hour and a half. I also included a video someone gave me and I’m not in the raft but you can see how you get knocked around. I was expecting a nice leisurely trip down the river…oh no it was pretty intense.

Portland Trip

Here are a few of my favorite pictures on our trip up to Portland to visit mom (and everyone in the family) for Mother’s Day.  I don’t get to see her much so I decided we’d “get crazy” and drive up to see her.  It was a long trip but glad we did it…

Google Boy

Have no fear, Google Boy is here!  OK he was actually pretending to be Batman but I thought it was cute…

Extreme Makeover: Jeremy Edition

Drove up to Portland yesterday for a semi last minute surprise Mother’s Day visit.  The drive was long, really long and Jeremy got bored.

More Charlotte Nascar Ride Pics

I don’t think anyone looks good in these uniforms (that probably isn’t the purpose of them I know) but oh well.  Thanks Randy for these pictures…

More Charlotte Pics

Goodbye Charlotte, you’re a great city!  Friendly people, a very nice downtown, and a really fun event.  Here are some miscellaneous pictures I took at a little park on my way to the auditorium today.