My KitchenAid Mixer


Never, ever, ever, ever get divorced, but if you are going through it like I am, I really feel for you.  The strange thing I found after separating is you go to get something (especially in the kitchen) and you can’t find it, so you think “hmm maybe I misplaced it”.  Then you think “hmm maybe she took it with her” and you repeat that process a million times until you drive yourself crazy.  When my wife took her things to her new place the thing I missed more than anything else was the KithenAid mixer (odd I know).  I made cookies the other day with one of those hand mixers, and the thing was moaning at me like a dying cow.  I found a new mixer online a few days ago which just came to the house today for $100 less than everyone else had it listed for, so I am pretty excited to get one again.  She did all of the cooking and baking, so watch out world I have a mixer now, so you have to suffer through my food experiments.

I’ll make it easy on you, here are some excuses (and solutions) for staying safe:

  • “Oh, I couldn’t possibly, I am on a diet because of my New Year’s resolution”
  • “I wouldn’t want to spoil my lunch/dinner/breakfast”
  • Ask who else has eaten one and then go over to them to see if they are still alive

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