Coffee Snobs Unite

Belmont and 34th, Stumptown Coffee

When we were eating at Market One yesterday Lana ordered some coffee which was actually really good.  The waiter (who was really nice by the way) came up and even remarked “isn’t the coffee here sooooo good”?  Then he started talking about how he only buys his beans from Peet’s Coffee because Starbucks uses low quality beans.  I must disclose I am a Starbucks fan but also really like Tully’s coffee so when I heard my beloved Starbucks getting attacked I gotta admit it kinda irked me a little.  I’ve been digging around the Internet this morning and found a few rants from others but I can’t find a site that supports his claim that Starbucks uses low quality (or Robusta) beans.  I know there are probably lots of you reading this who have a favorite coffee joint.  In Portland there is a place called Stumptown Coffee which is probably my all time favorite place to go for a cup of Joe.  It is where all of the coffee snobs (not saying I’m probably not one of them too) go for their coffee fix in Portland.  If you are ever in the area you have to go there.  I have personally only been to the one downtown (picture of it above) which I liked because it is a “funky” place; oh and did I mention their coffee rocks?  If you bring coffee back home with you, try the “Hair Bender”.  What is your favorite and why?

San Francisco Pictures

Lana and I walked everywhere in San Francisco yesterday for our anniversary.

  • We tried to get iPhones at the Apple Store, but our contract isn’t up until December.  Pulled up my website from the iPhones we were playing around with in the store and watched a Tyler video I was telling Lana about on the BART ride into the city, which was fun.
  • We walked down to the Ferry Building because we hadn’t been inside it yet.  We were going to try some cheese at the Cowgirl Creamery but it was so busy because of the holiday weekend we didn’t try/buy anything.
  • By that time, we were getting hungry, so we walked down Embarcadero and found a nice restaurant on the water called One Market.  It had a patio out back, and we had a great lunch, I’d recommend it.
  • Then we walked over to Chinatown and saw the sites.  We didn’t buy anything, just walked and walked.
  • About that time, you know me, it was time for some ice cream, so we walked over to Ghirardelli Square.  It took forever to get a table and then even longer to get ice cream but in the end we prevailed.
  • By that time, it was time to start heading back to BART, so we walked over to Coit Tower and took some backstreets to see the neighborhoods.
  • Went to the store and got a bottle of Onix wine and a few groceries.  It is a peppery wine (which we like) and it definitely has some notes of cherry.  I like wines “with a kick” and I liked it.  I would give it a solid 8 out of 10.
  • Below are some pictures I took yesterday.  I didn’t break out the camera too much.

Tyler Shake

I’ve told a few people about Tyler’s funny little shake he does when he gets really happy or excited.  I only caught the first few seconds of him doing it so watch carefully right away.  His little eyeballs pop out of his head and he starts shaking which we think is hilarious.

Tyler & His Vacuum

Since I am having the most random day of posts, here is a one minute video of Tyler trying to wrap the vacuum cord.  I am a vacuum nut if you don’t know so like father like son.  When we lived in Reno there was this door to door vacuum salesperson who wanted to sell us the Rainbow vacuum which was something like $1,000 back in the early nineties.  He vacuumed our house and showed us how much dirt there was after vacuuming and I guess it had some affect on me or something.  Anyhow, our daycare told us a few months back it was so strange Tyler isn’t afraid of the vacuum and actually runs toward it when they start it up.  Strange stuff I know…

Which Way Does The Woman Spin for You?

She spins to the right for me…


uses logic

detail oriented

facts rule

words and language

present and past

math and science

can comprehend



order/pattern perception

knows object name

reality based

forms strategies




uses feeling

“big picture” oriented

imagination rules

symbols and images

present and future

philosophy & religion

can “get it” (i.e. meaning)



spatial perception

knows object function

fantasy based

presents possibilities


risk taking
