Our Awesome Web Team at Safeway

Team 7-10-09
From left: Nitesh, Gary, Pat, Brian, Laura, Russell, Scott
From left: Pat, Laura, Brian, Scott, Jeremy (me), Brian, Nitesh

Laura is in town this week so “we” (OK I) wanted to take a group picture so here you are.  The first one is funny because it looks like we work for JCPenny.  We are missing Joel and Jill but some day we’ll get you to California again.

WordCamp San Francisco 2009 Presenter Pics

>> View all 41 high resolution event photos on Flickr.

Nascar Virtual Racing at the MOA

Went Nascar virtual racing last night at the Mall of America with 8 people.  I came in 4th the first race and 8th the second so evidently my video game skills didn’t serve me well.